Archer Y. Yang
Archer Y. Yang
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University
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Cited by
A Fast Unified Algorithm for Solving Group-Lasso Penalized Learning Problems
Y Yang, H Zou
Statistics and Computing, 2013
Insurance premium prediction via gradient tree-boosted Tweedie compound Poisson models
Y Yang, W Qian, H Zou
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 36 (3), 456-470, 2018
A cocktail algorithm for solving the elastic net penalized Cox’s regression in high dimensions
Y Yang, H Zou
Statistics and its Interface 6 (2), 167-173, 2013
Multiclass sparse discriminant analysis
Q Mai, Y Yang, H Zou
Statistica Sinica 29 (1), 97-111, 2019
An efficient algorithm for computing the HHSVM and its generalizations
Y Yang, H Zou
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 22 (2), 396-415, 2013
Sparse envelope model: efficient estimation and response variable selection in multivariate linear regression
Z Su, G Zhu, X Chen, Y Yang
Biometrika 103 (3), 579-593, 2016
Tweedie’s compound Poisson model with grouped elastic net
W Qian, Y Yang, H Zou
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 25 (2), 606-625, 2016
Tweedie gradient boosting for extremely unbalanced zero-inflated data
H Zhou, W Qian, Y Yang
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 1-23, 2020
Robust PCA by manifold optimization
T Zhang, Y Yang
Journal of Machine Learning Research 19 (80), 1-39, 2018
Nonparametric multiple expectile regression via ER-Boost
Y Yang, H Zou
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (7), 1442-1458, 2015
Sparsity Oriented Importance Learning for High-Dimensional Linear Regression
C Ye, Y Yang, Y Yang
Journal of the American Statistical Association 113 (524), 1797-1812, 2018
Evaluating Distributed Policies for Conjunctive Surface Water‐Groundwater Management in Large River Basins: Water Uses Versus Hydrological Impacts
E Du, Y Tian, X Cai, Y Zheng, F Han, X Li, M Zhao, Y Yang, C Zheng
Water Resources Research 58 (1), e2021WR031352, 2022
On Path to Informing Hierarchy of Eplet Mismatches as Determinants of Kidney Transplant Loss
H Mohammadhassanzadeh, K Oualkacha, W Zhang, W Klement, ...
Kidney International Reports 6 (6), 1567-1579, 2021
Recurrent disease progression networks for modelling risk trajectory of heart failure
XH Lu, A Liu, SC Fuh, Y Lian, L Guo, Y Yang, A Marelli, Y Li
Plos one 16 (1), e0245177, 2021
Flexible expectile regression in reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces
Y Yang, T Zhang, H Zou
Technometrics 60 (1), 26-35, 2018
A coordinate majorization descent algorithm for ℓ1 penalized learning
Y Yang, H Zou
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2012
envlp: A MATLAB Toolbox for Computing Envelope Estimators in Multivariate Analysis
D Cook, Z Su, Y Yang
Journal of Statistical Software 62 (1), 1-20, 2015
Doubly robust adaptive LASSO for effect modifier discovery
A Bahamyirou, ME Schnitzer, EH Kennedy, L Blais, Y Yang
The International Journal of Biostatistics 18 (2), 307-327, 2022
Automatic depth optimization for a quantum approximate optimization algorithm
Y Pan, Y Tong, Y Yang
Physical Review A 105 (3), 032433, 2022
Performance assessment of high-dimensional variable identification
Y Yu, Y Yang, Y Yang
Statistica Sinica 32 (2), 695-718, 2022
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Articles 1–20