Serhat Köksal
Serhat Köksal
Dr., Central Laboratory, Middle East Technical University
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Timing of post-collisional H-type to A-type granitic magmatism: U–Pb titanite ages from the Alpine central Anatolian granitoids (Turkey)
S Köksal, RL Romer, MC Göncüoglu, F Toksoy-Köksal
International Journal of Earth Sciences 93, 974-989, 2004
Sr and Nd isotopic characteristics of some S-, I-and A-type granitoids from Central Anatolia
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 17 (1), 111-127, 2008
Origin of the Early-Middle Devonian magmatism in the Sakarya Zone, NW Turkey: geochronology, geochemistry and isotope systematics
N Aysal, T Ustaömer, S Öngen, M Keskin, S Köksal, I Peytcheva, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 45, 201-222, 2012
Neoproterozoic continental arc volcanism at the northern edge of the Arabian Plate, SE Turkey
S Gürsu, A Moeller, MC Göncüoglu, S Köksal, H Demircan, FT Köksal, ...
Precambrian Research 258, 208-233, 2015
Geology of the central part of the Central Anatolian Massif: part III geological evolution of the Tertiary Basin of the Central Kizilirmak: Unpubl
MC Göncüoglu, A Erler, V Toprak, E Olgun, K Yaliniz, I Kuscu, S Köksal, ...
Report, 1993
Extrusive members of postcollisional A-type magmatism in Central Anatolia: Karahidir volcanics, Idis Dagi-Avanos area, Turkey
S Koksal, MC Göncüoglu, PA Floyd
International Geology Review 43 (8), 683-694, 2001
New data on the evolution of the Neotethyan oceanic branches in Turkey: Late Jurassic ridge spreading in the Intra-Pontide branch
MC Göncüoğlu, S Gürsu, UK Tekin, S Köksal
Ofioliti 33 (2), 153-164, 2008
Crustal homogenization revealed by U–Pb zircon ages and Hf isotope evidence from the Late Cretaceous granitoids of the Agaçören intrusive suite (Central Anatolia/Turkey)
S Köksal, A Möller, MC Göncüoglu, D Frei, A Gerdes
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 163, 725-743, 2012
Zircon typologies and internal structures as petrogenetic indicators in contrasting granitoid types from central Anatolia, Turkey
S Köksal, M Cemal Göncüoglu, F Toksoy-Köksal, A Möller, H Kemnitz
Mineralogy and Petrology 93, 185-211, 2008
Post-collisional A-Type magmatism in the central Anatolian Crystalline complex: Petrology of the İğdiş Dağı intrusives (Avanos, Turkey)
MC GÖNCÜOĞLU, S Köksal, PA Floyd
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 6 (2), 65-76, 1997
Crustal source of the Late Cretaceous Satansarı monzonite stock (central Anatolia–Turkey) and its significance for the Alpine geodynamic evolution
S Köksal, F Toksoy-Köksal, MC Göncüoğlu, A Möller, A Gerdes, D Frei
Journal of Geodynamics 65, 82-93, 2013
Petrogenesis and geodynamics of plagiogranites from Central Turkey (Ekecikdağ/Aksaray): new geochemical and isotopic data for generation in an arc basin system within the …
S Köksal, F Toksoy-Köksal, MC Göncüoglu
International Journal of Earth Sciences 106, 1181-1203, 2017
S Köksal, MC Göncüoğlu
Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 119 (119), 41-58, 1997
İdiş Dağı-Avanos Alanının Jeolojisi (Nevşehir, Orta Anadolu)
S Köksal, MC Göncüoğlu
Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi 119 (119), 1997
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U-Pb dating of detrital and magmatic zircons of glacial diamictites and pebbles in Late Ordovician sediments of the …
S Gürsu, A Möller, D Usta, S Köksal, Ş Ateş, ED Sunkari, MC Göncüoğlu
The Journal of Geology 125 (2), 165-202, 2017
Combined U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf systematics of detrital zircons from Early Cambrian Gondwanan siliciclastic rocks in S Turkey: Provenance and correlations with coeval successions …
S Gürsu, S Köksal, A Möller, GD Kamenov, MC Göncüoğlu, K Hefferan, ...
Gondwana Research 107, 423-450, 2022
The Upper Cretaceous intrusive rocks with extensive crustal contribution in Hacimahmutusagi Area (Aksaray/Turkey)
S Köksal
Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2019
Nd, Pb, Hf isotope characteristics and provenance of glacial granitic pebbles from Late Ordovician diamictites in the Taurides, S Turkey
S Gürsu, PA Mueller, ED Sunkari, A Möller, S Köksal, GD Kamenov, ...
Gondwana Research 54, 205-216, 2018
Timing of the transition from the post-collisional to A-type magmatism: titanite U/Pb ages from the alpine Central Anatolian Granitoids, Turkey
S Köksal, RL Romer, MC Göncüoglu, F Toksoy-Köksal
Int J Earth Sci 93, 974-989, 2004
Middle Permian basic and acidic volcanism in the Istanbul zone (NW Turkey): evidence for post-variscan extensional magmatism
C Babaoğlu, G Topuz, AI Okay, S Köksal, JM Wang, F Toksoy-Köksal
International Geology Review 65 (21), 3435-3452, 2023
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Articles 1–20