Michael Borich
Michael Borich
Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Emory University
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Understanding the role of the primary somatosensory cortex: Opportunities for rehabilitation
MR Borich, SM Brodie, WA Gray, S Ionta, LA Boyd
Neuropsychologia 79, 246-255, 2015
Scapular angular positioning at end range internal rotation in cases of glenohumeral internal rotation deficit
MR Borich, JM Bright, DJ Lorello, CJ Cieminski, T Buisman, PM Ludewig
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 36 (12), 926-934, 2006
Putting the “sensory” into sensorimotor control: the role of sensorimotor integration in goal-directed hand movements after stroke
LL Edwards, EM King, CM Buetefisch, MR Borich
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 13, 16, 2019
Diffusion tensor imaging of sports-related concussion in adolescents
N Virji-Babul, MR Borich, N Makan, T Moore, K Frew, CA Emery, LA Boyd
Pediatric neurology 48 (1), 24-29, 2013
Motor skill acquisition promotes human brain myelin plasticity
B Lakhani, MR Borich, JN Jackson, KP Wadden, S Peters, A Villamayor, ...
Neural plasticity 2016 (1), 7526135, 2016
A large, curated, open-source stroke neuroimaging dataset to improve lesion segmentation algorithms
SL Liew, BP Lo, MR Donnelly, A Zavaliangos-Petropulu, JN Jeong, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 320, 2022
Lasting effects of repeated rTMS application in focal hand dystonia
M Borich, S Arora, TJ Kimberley
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 27 (1), 55-65, 2009
Alterations in resting-state brain networks in concussed adolescent athletes
M Borich, AN Babul, PH Yuan, L Boyd, N Virji-Babul
Journal of neurotrauma 32 (4), 265-271, 2015
Comparing a diffusion tensor and non-tensor approach to white matter fiber tractography in chronic stroke
AM Auriat, MR Borich, NJ Snow, KP Wadden, LA Boyd
NeuroImage: Clinical 7, 771-781, 2015
5 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the ipsilesional sensory cortex enhances motor learning after stroke
SM Brodie, S Meehan, MR Borich, LA Boyd
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 143, 2014
Evaluation of white matter myelin water fraction in chronic stroke
MR Borich, AL Mackay, IM Vavasour, A Rauscher, LA Boyd
NeuroImage: Clinical 2, 569-580, 2013
Combining whole-brain voxel-wise analysis with in vivo tractography of diffusion behavior after sports-related concussion in adolescents: a preliminary report
M Borich, N Makan, L Boyd, N Virji-Babul
Journal of neurotrauma 30 (14), 1243-1249, 2013
The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group: Big data neuroimaging to study brain–behavior relationships after stroke
SL Liew, A Zavaliangos‐Petropulu, N Jahanshad, CE Lang, KS Hayward, ...
Human brain mapping 43 (1), 129-148, 2022
Both projection and commissural pathways are disrupted in individuals with chronic stroke: investigating microstructural white matter correlates of motor recovery
MR Borich, C Mang, LA Boyd
BMC neuroscience 13, 1-11, 2012
Multiple measures of corticospinal excitability are associated with clinical features of multiple sclerosis
JL Neva, B Lakhani, KE Brown, KP Wadden, CS Mang, NHM Ledwell, ...
Behavioural Brain Research SreeTestContent1 297, 187-195, 2016
Diffusion imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation assessment of transcallosal pathways in chronic stroke
CS Mang, MR Borich, SM Brodie, KE Brown, NJ Snow, KP Wadden, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (10), 1959-1971, 2015
Establishing the definition and inter-rater reliability of cortical silent period calculation in subjects with focal hand dystonia and healthy controls
TJ Kimberley, MR Borich, KD Prochaska, SL Mundfrom, AE Perkins, ...
Neuroscience letters 464 (2), 84-87, 2009
Evaluating interhemispheric cortical responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation in chronic stroke: a TMS-EEG investigation
MR Borich, LA Wheaton, SM Brodie, B Lakhani, LA Boyd
Neuroscience letters 618, 25-30, 2016
Multiple sessions of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in focal hand dystonia: clinical and physiological effects
TJ Kimberley, MR Borich, S Arora, HR Siebner
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 31 (5), 533-542, 2013
Motor skill learning is associated with diffusion characteristics of white matter in individuals with chronic stroke
MR Borich, KE Brown, LA Boyd
Journal of neurologic physical therapy 38 (3), 151-160, 2014
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Articles 1–20