Optimal price/lead-time menus for queues with customer choice: Segmentation, pooling, and strategic delay P Afeche, JM Pavlin Management Science 62 (8), 2412-2436, 2016 | 119 | 2016 |
Inverse optimization for the recovery of market structure from market outcomes: An application to the MISO electricity market JR Birge, A Hortaçsu, JM Pavlin Operations Research 65 (4), 837-855, 2017 | 88 | 2017 |
Limits to arbitrage in electricity markets: A case study of MISO JR Birge, A Hortaçsu, I Mercadal, JM Pavlin Energy Economics 75, 518-533, 2018 | 72* | 2018 |
When gray markets have silver linings: all-unit discounts, gray markets, and channel management M Hu, JM Pavlin, M Shi Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15 (2), 250-262, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |
Spatial price integration in commodity markets with capacitated transportation networks JR Birge, TCY Chan, JM Pavlin, IY Zhu Operations Research 70 (3), 1739-1761, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
GeriMedRisk, a telemedicine geriatric pharmacology consultation service to address adverse drug events in long-term care: a stepped-wedge cluster randomized feasibility trial … JMW Ho, J Tung, J Maitland, D Mangin, L Thabane, JM Pavlin, J Alfonsi, ... Pilot and Feasibility Studies 4, 1-8, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
Corporate payout policy, cash savings, and the cost of consistency: Evidence from a structural estimation H Mahmudi, M Pavlin Financial Management 42 (4), 843-874, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Dual bounds of a service level assignment problem with applications to efficient pricing JM Pavlin European Journal of Operational Research 262 (1), 239-250, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Inverse Optimization for the Recovery of Market Structure from Market Outcomes J Birge, A Hortaçsu, M Pavlin | | 2014 |
Tiered Pricing for Volume and Priority: Three Problems at the Intersection of Marketing and Operational Policies M Pavlin University of Toronto (Canada), 2012 | | 2012 |