chiara pastrello
chiara pastrello
University Health Network
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Cited by
mirDIP 4.1—integrative database of human microRNA target predictions
T Tokar, C Pastrello, AEM Rossos, M Abovsky, AC Hauschild, M Tsay, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (D1), D360-D370, 2018
Integrated interactions database: tissue-specific view of the human and model organism interactomes
M Kotlyar, C Pastrello, N Sheahan, I Jurisica
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D536-D541, 2016
IID 2018 update: context-specific physical protein–protein interactions in human, model organisms and domesticated species
M Kotlyar, C Pastrello, Z Malik, I Jurisica
Nucleic acids research 47 (D1), D581-D589, 2019
Molecular and clinicopathologic characterization of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) of small size
S Rossi, D Gasparotto, L Toffolatti, C Pastrello, G Gallina, A Marzotto, ...
The American journal of surgical pathology 34 (10), 1480-1491, 2010
In silico prediction of physical protein interactions and characterization of interactome orphans
M Kotlyar, C Pastrello, F Pivetta, A Lo Sardo, C Cumbaa, H Li, T Naranian, ...
Nature methods 12 (1), 79-84, 2015
Mechanical stiffness controls dendritic cell metabolism and function
M Chakraborty, K Chu, A Shrestha, XS Revelo, X Zhang, MJ Gold, S Khan, ...
Cell reports 34 (2), 2021
Association between hsa-mir-146a genotype and tumor age-of-onset in BRCA1/BRCA2 -negative familial breast and ovarian cancer patients
C Pastrello, J Polesel, L Della Puppa, A Viel, R Maestro
Carcinogenesis 31 (12), 2124-2126, 2010
pathDIP: an annotated resource for known and predicted human gene-pathway associations and pathway enrichment analysis
S Rahmati, M Abovsky, C Pastrello, I Jurisica
Nucleic acids research 45 (D1), D419-D426, 2017
An integrative approach for the identification of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in rectal cancer
M Agostini, KP Janssen, E D'Angelo, S Pizzini, A Zangrando, C Zanon, ...
Oncotarget 6 (32), 32561, 2015
pathDIP 4: an extended pathway annotations and enrichment analysis resource for human, model organisms and domesticated species
S Rahmati, M Abovsky, C Pastrello, M Kotlyar, R Lu, CA Cumbaa, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (D1), D479-D488, 2020
Towards a unified open access dataset of molecular interactions
P Porras, E Barrera, A Bridge, N Del-Toro, G Cesareni, M Duesbury, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 6144, 2020
Capturing variation impact on molecular interactions in the IMEx Consortium mutations data set
N Del-Toro, M Duesbury, M Koch, L Perfetto, A Shrivastava, D Ochoa, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 10, 2019
A functional biological network centered on XRCC3: a new possible marker of chemoradiotherapy resistance in rectal cancer patients
M Agostini, A Zangrando, C Pastrello, E D'Angelo, G Romano, ...
Cancer biology & therapy 16 (8), 1160-1171, 2015
IID 2021: towards context-specific protein interaction analyses by increased coverage, enhanced annotation and enrichment analysis
M Kotlyar, C Pastrello, Z Ahmed, J Chee, Z Varyova, I Jurisica
Nucleic acids research 50 (D1), D640-D647, 2022
Sequencing identifies a distinct signature of circulating microRNAs in early radiographic knee osteoarthritis
SA Ali, R Gandhi, P Potla, S Keshavarzi, O Espin-Garcia, K Shestopaloff, ...
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 28 (11), 1471-1481, 2020
The ablation of the matricellular protein EMILIN2 causes defective vascularization due to impaired EGFR-dependent IL-8 production affecting tumor growth
A Paulitti, E Andreuzzi, D Bizzotto, R Pellicani, G Tarticchio, S Marastoni, ...
Oncogene 37 (25), 3399-3414, 2018
An integrated approach identifies mediators of local recurrence in head and neck squamous carcinoma
F Citron, J Armenia, G Franchin, J Polesel, R Talamini, S D'Andrea, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 23 (14), 3769-3780, 2017
Prioritizing therapeutics for lung cancer: an integrative meta-analysis of cancer gene signatures and chemogenomic data
K Fortney, J Griesman, M Kotlyar, C Pastrello, M Angeli, M Sound-Tsao, ...
PLoS computational biology 11 (3), e1004068, 2015
Stability of BAT26 in tumours of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer patients with MSH2 intragenic deletion
C Pastrello, S Baglioni, MG Tibiletti, L Papi, M Fornasarig, A Morabito, ...
European journal of human genetics 14 (1), 63-68, 2006
TP53 mutations in high grade serous ovarian cancer and impact on clinical outcomes: a comparison of next generation sequencing and bioinformatics analyses
V Mandilaras, S Garg, M Cabanero, Q Tan, C Pastrello, J Burnier, ...
International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer 29 (2), 2019
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Articles 1–20