Michael A. Lawrence
Michael A. Lawrence
Co-founder & Data Scientist, Axem Neurotechnology
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ez: Easy analysis and visualization of factorial experiments
MA Lawrence
Appraising the ANT: Psychometric and theoretical considerations of the Attention Network Test.
JW MacLeod, MA Lawrence, MM McConnell, GA Eskes, RM Klein, ...
Neuropsychology 24 (5), 637, 2010
Alerting, orienting, and executive attention in children with ADHD
JC Mullane, PV Corkum, RM Klein, EN McLaughlin, MA Lawrence
Journal of attention disorders 15 (4), 310-320, 2011
Haptic roughness perception of linear gratings via bare finger or rigid probe
MA Lawrence, R Kitada, RL Klatzky, SJ Lederman
Perception 36, 547-557, 2007
Isolating exogenous and endogenous modes of temporal attention.
MA Lawrence, RM Klein
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2), 560, 2013
The representational consequences of intentional forgetting: Impairments to both the probability and fidelity of long-term memory.
JM Fawcett, MA Lawrence, TL Taylor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (1), 56, 2016
On the modes and domains of attention
RM Klein, MA Lawrence
Cognitive neuroscience of attention 2, 11-28, 2012
The development of and interaction among alerting, orienting, and executive attention in children
JC Mullane, MA Lawrence, PV Corkum, RM Klein, EN McLaughlin
Child Neuropsychology 22 (2), 155-176, 2016
Positive affect in infant siblings of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
JH Filliter, J Longard, MA Lawrence, L Zwaigenbaum, J Brian, N Garon, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 43, 567-575, 2015
Eye movements as direct tests of the GO model for the missing-letter effect
A Roy-Charland, J Saint-Aubin, RM Klein, M Lawrence
Perception & psychophysics 69 (3), 324-337, 2007
The attention network test database: ADHD and cross-cultural applications
S Arora, MA Lawrence, RM Klein
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 388, 2020
Quasi-randomized trial of contact with nature and effects on attention in children
SA Johnson, S Snow, MA Lawrence, DGC Rainham
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2652, 2019
Visual search patterns in neglect: Comparison of peripersonal and extrapersonal space
BC Butler, M Lawrence, GA Eskes, R Klein
Neuropsychologia 47 (3), 869-878, 2009
Solving the chicken-and-egg problem of letter detection and fixation duration in reading
A Roy-Charland, J Saint-Aubin, MA Lawrence, RM Klein
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 71 (7), 1553-1562, 2009
afex: Analysis of factorial experiments (Version 1.0-1)[Computer software]
H Singmann, B Bolker, J Westfall, F Aust, MS Ben-Shachar, S Højsgaard, ...
afex: Analysis of Factorial Experiments (0.28-1)[Computer software]
H Singmann, B Bolker, J Westfall, F Aust, MS Ben-Shachar, S Højsgaard, ...
Analysis of factorial experiments
H Singmann, B Bolker, J Westfall, F Aust, S Højsgaard, J Fox, ...
R package. Available at https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= afex, 2018
Specificity of personality relationships to particular forms of concurrent substance use among methadone maintenance therapy clients
IT Mahu, PJ Conrod, SP Barrett, A Sako, J Swansburg, M Lawrence, ...
Addictive Behaviors 98, 106056, 2019
Estimating the probability and fidelity of memory
MA Lawrence
Behavior Research Methods 42 (4), 957-968, 2010
The independence of endogenous and exogenous temporal attention
CR McCormick, RS Redden, MA Lawrence, RM Klein
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 80, 1885-1891, 2018
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Articles 1–20