Bruno Dyck
Bruno Dyck
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The politics of organizational learning: Integrating power into the 4I framework
TB Lawrence, MK Mauws, B Dyck, RF Kleysen
Academy of management review 30 (1), 180-191, 2005
Passing the baton: The importance of sequence, timing, technique and communication in executive succession
B Dyck, M Mauws, FA Starke, GA Mischke
Journal of business venturing 17 (2), 143-162, 2002
Learning to build a car: An empirical investigation of organizational learning
B Dyck, FA Starke, GA Mischke, M Mauws
Journal of Management Studies 42 (2), 387-416, 2005
The formation of breakaway organizations: Observations and a process model
B Dyck, FA Starke
Administrative Science Quarterly 44 (4), 792-822, 1999
Improving the effectiveness of gainsharing: The role of fairness and participation
CL Cooper, B Dyck, N Frohlich
Administrative Science Quarterly, 471-490, 1992
Management, theology and moral points of view: Towards an alternative to the conventional materialist‐individualist ideal‐type of management
B Dyck, D Schroeder
Journal of Management Studies 42 (4), 705-735, 2005
Principles of management
B Dyck, MJ Neubert
South-Western, 2009
Enhancing socio-ecological value creation through sustainable innovation 2.0: Moving away from maximizing financial value capture
B Dyck, BS Silvestre
Journal of cleaner production 171, 1593-1604, 2018
The underlying structure of continuous change
TB Lawrence, B Dyck, S Maitlis, MK Mauws
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2006
Management: Current practices and new directions
B Dyck, MJ Neubert
(No Title), 2010
God on management: The world’s largest religions, the “theological turn,” and organization and management theory and practice
B Dyck
Religion and organization theory, 23-62, 2014
Aristotle’s virtues and management thought: An empirical exploration of an integrative pedagogy
B Dyck, R Kleysen
Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (4), 561-574, 2001
Antecedents of sustainable organizing: A look at the relationship between organizational culture and the triple bottom line
B Dyck, K Walker, A Caza
Journal of cleaner production 231, 1235-1247, 2019
The primary importance of corporate social responsibility and ethicality in corporate reputation: An empirical study
K Walker, B Dyck
Business and Society Review 119 (1), 147-174, 2014
Developing sustainable management theory: goal-setting theory based in virtue
MJ Neubert, B Dyck
Management Decision 54 (2), 304-320, 2016
Recipes for successful sustainability: Empirical organizational configurations for strong corporate environmental performance
K Walker, N Ni, B Dyck
Business Strategy and the Environment 24 (1), 40-57, 2015
Understanding configuration and transformation through a multiple rationalities approach
B Dyck
Journal of Management Studies 34 (5), 793-823, 1997
Agency, stewardship, and the universal-family firm: A qualitative historical analysis
SD Dodd, B Dyck
Family Business Review 28 (4), 312-331, 2015
Salvation, theology and organizational practices across the centuries
B Dyck, E Wiebe
Organization 19 (3), 299-324, 2012
Conventional resource-based theory and its radical alternative: A less materialist-individualist approach to strategy
GG Bell, B Dyck
Journal of business ethics 99, 121-130, 2011
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Articles 1–20