Philip Edgcumbe
Cited by
Cited by
Pico lantern: Surface reconstruction and augmented reality in laparoscopic surgery using a pick-up laser projector
P Edgcumbe, P Pratt, GZ Yang, C Nguan, R Rohling
Medical image analysis 25 (1), 95-102, 2015
Intra‐operative ultrasound‐based augmented reality guidance for laparoscopic surgery
R Singla, P Edgcumbe, P Pratt, C Nguan, R Rohling
Healthcare technology letters 4 (5), 204-209, 2017
Augmented reality imaging for robot-assisted partial nephrectomy surgery
P Edgcumbe, R Singla, P Pratt, C Schneider, C Nguan, R Rohling
Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality: 7th International Conference, MIAR …, 2016
Calibration and stereo tracking of a laparoscopic ultrasound transducer for augmented reality in surgery
P Edgcumbe, C Nguan, R Rohling
International Workshop on Medical Imaging and Virtual Reality, 258-267, 2013
Follow the light: projector-based augmented reality intracorporeal system for laparoscopic surgery
P Edgcumbe, R Singla, P Pratt, C Schneider, C Nguan, R Rohling
Journal of Medical Imaging 5 (2), 021216-021216, 2018
Pico lantern: a pick-up projector for augmented reality in laparoscopic surgery
P Edgcumbe, P Pratt, GZ Yang, C Nguan, R Rohling
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2014: 17th …, 2014
Imagery system
R Rohling, P Edgcumbe, C Nguan
US Patent 10,512,508, 2019
Comprehensive imaging of synaptic activity reveals dendritic growth rules that cluster inputs
K Podgorski, TD Toth, P Coleman, S Opushnyev, J Brusco, P Hogg, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.02. 11.430646, 2021
The vascuLens: a handsfree projector-based augmented reality system for surgical guidance during DIEP flap harvest
S Gonzalez, M Stein, R Rohling, P Edgcumbe
CMBES Proceedings 44, 2021
The Vasculens-Projector-Based Augmented Reality Display of Anatomical Structures Segmented from Pre-Operative CT Scans
J Ho, M Stein, M Martin, K Issac, P Edgcumbe
CMBES Proceedings 45, 2023
Intraoperative Surgical Guidance for DIEP Flap Harvest using Augmented Reality
P Edgcumbe, T Jiang, JF Ho, ML Martin, MJ Stein, KV Isaac
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 10.1097, 2021
Developing surgical navigation tools for minimally invasive surgery using ultrasound, structured light, tissue tracking and augmented reality.
P Edgcumbe
University of British Columbia, 2017
Development of micropump using thermally activated hydrogels
H Vohradsky, JW Fu, P Edgcumbe
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Articles 1–13