Janna M. Andronowski
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Cited by
Evaluating differential nuclear DNA yield rates and osteocyte numbers among human bone tissue types: A synchrotron radiation micro-CT approach
JM Andronowski, AZ Mundorff, IV Pratt, JM Davoren, DML Cooper
Forensic science international: genetics 28, 211-218, 2017
Characterizing the postmortem human bone microbiome from surface-decomposed remains
AL Emmons, AZ Mundorff, SW Keenan, J Davoren, J Andronowski, ...
PloS one 15 (7), e0218636, 2020
Occurrence of osteon banding in adult human cortical bone
JM Andronowski, IV Pratt, DML Cooper
American journal of physical anthropology 164 (3), 635-642, 2017
Recent advancements in the analysis of bone microstructure: New dimensions in forensic anthropology
JM Andronowski, C Crowder, M Soto Martinez
Forensic sciences research 3 (4), 294-309, 2018
Cortical bone porosity in rabbit models of osteoporosis
KD Harrison, BD Hiebert, A Panahifar, JM Andronowski, AM Ashique, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 35 (11), 2211-2228, 2020
Three-dimensional CT morphometric image analysis of the clivus and sphenoid sinus in chiari malformation type I
BST Nwotchouang, MS Eppelheimer, P Bishop, D Biswas, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 47, 2284-2295, 2019
Bone histology as an integrated tool in the process of human identification
CM Crowder, JM Andronowski, VM Dominguez
New perspectives in forensic human skeletal identification, 201-213, 2018
Current and emerging histomorphometric and imaging techniques for assessing age‐at‐death and cortical bone quality
JM Andronowski, ME Cole
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Forensic Science 3 (2), e1399, 2021
The Marginalized in Death: A Forensic Anthropology of Intersectional Identity in the Modern Era
PD Acosta, JM Andronowski, JS Beatrice, WR Belcher, CE Bird, JDP Bird, ...
Rowman & Littlefield, 2022
Application of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to examine surface chemistry of cancellous bone and medullary contents to refine bone sample selection for nuclear DNA analysis
JM Andronowski, AZ Mundorff, RA Davis, EW Price
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 34 (10), 2074-2082, 2019
A multimodal 3D imaging approach of pore networks in the human femur to assess age‐associated vascular expansion and Lacuno‐Canalicular reduction
JM Andronowski, ME Cole, RA Davis, GR Tubo, JT Taylor, DML Cooper
The Anatomical Record 306 (3), 475-493, 2023
Bone area histomorphometry
JM Andronowski, C Crowder
Journal of forensic sciences 64 (2), 486-493, 2019
A sectioning, coring, and image processing guide for high-throughput cortical bone sample procurement and analysis for synchrotron micro-CT
JM Andronowski, RA Davis, CW Holyoke
Journal of Visualized Experiments 160, e61081, 2020
Patterns of microbial colonization of human bone from surface-decomposed remains
AL Emmons, AZ Mundorff, SW Keenan, J Davoren, J Andronowski, ...
BioRxiv, 664482, 2019
Endospanin Is a Candidate for Regulating Leptin Sensitivity
RL Londraville, M Tuttle, Q Liu, JM Andronowski
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 786299, 2022
Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) as a Model System for Longitudinal Experimental Opioid Treatments: Implications for Orthopedic and Biomedical Research
JM Andronowski, AJ Schuller, ME Cole, AR LaMarca, RA Davis, GR Tubo
Osteology 1 (4), 225-237, 2021
Investigating the impact of opioid abuse on intracortical porosity and bone cellular density: A synchrotron-radiation micro-computed tomography approach
JM Andronowski, RA Davis, ME Cole
Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 102, 2020
Theory and histological methods
CM Crowder, DC Pinto, JM Andronowski, VM Dominguez
Forensic Anthropology: Theoretical Framework and Scientific Basis, 113-126, 2018
A multidisciplinary perspective on the role of marginalization in the identification of opioid users in medicolegal investigations
JM Andronowski, RM Depp
The Marginalized in Death: A Forensic Anthropology of Intersectional Identit …, 2022
The Andronowski Skeletal Collection for Histological Research: A Modern Anatomical Contribution
JM Andronowski, JT Taylor
Forensic Sciences 2 (1), 175-189, 2022
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Articles 1–20