Yasuhiro Hayase / 早瀬 康裕
Yasuhiro Hayase / 早瀬 康裕
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba
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Cited by
Finding file clones in freebsd ports collection
Y Sasaki, T Yamamoto, Y Hayase, K Inoue
2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010 …, 2010
An effective method to control interrupt handler for data race detection
M Higashi, T Yamamoto, Y Hayase, T Ishio, K Inoue
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Automation of Software Test, 79-86, 2010
Recommending verbs for rename method using association rule mining
Y Kashiwabara, Y Onizuka, T Ishio, Y Hayase, T Yamamoto, K Inoue
2014 Software Evolution Week-IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance …, 2014
Evolutional analysis of licenses in FOSS
Y Manabe, Y Hayase, K Inoue
Proceedings of the Joint ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution (EVOL) and …, 2010
Software component recommendation using collaborative filtering
M Ichii, Y Hayase, R Yokomori, T Yamamoto, K Inoue
2009 ICSE Workshop on Search-Driven Development-Users, Infrastructure, Tools …, 2009
Mercem: Method name recommendation based on call graph embedding
H Yonai, Y Hayase, H Kitagawa
2019 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 134-141, 2019
ImpactScale: Quantifying change impact to predict faults in large software systems
K Kobayashi, A Matsuo, K Inoue, Y Hayase, M Kamimura, T Yoshino
2011 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), 43-52, 2011
Building domain specific dictionaries of verb-object relation from source code
Y Hayase, Y Kashima, Y Manabe, K Inoue
2011 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 93-100, 2011
実践的ソフトウェア開発演習支援のためのグループ間比較にもとづくプロセスモニタリング環境 (教育実践研究論文,< 特集> 学習・教育支援のための技術開発)
井垣宏, 柿元健, 佐伯幸郎, 福安直樹, 川口真司, 早瀬康裕, 崎山直洋, ...
日本教育工学会論文誌 34 (3), 289-298, 2010
An investigation into the impact of software licenses on copy-and-paste reuse among OSS projects
Y Kashima, Y Hayase, N Yoshida, Y Manabe, K Inoue
2011 18th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 28-32, 2011
早瀬康裕, 松下誠, 楠本真二, 井上克郎, 小林健一, 吉野利明
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D 90 (10), 2736-2745, 2007
開発中のソースコードに基づくソフトウェア部品の自動推薦システム A-SCORE
島田隆次, 市井誠, 早瀬康裕, 松下誠, 井上克郎
情報処理学会論文誌 50 (12), 3095-3107, 2009
A criterion for filtering code clone related bugs
Y Hayase, YY Lee, K Inoue
Proceedings of the 2008 workshop on Defects in large software systems, 37-38, 2008
早瀬康裕, 松下誠, 楠本真二, 井上克郎, 小林健一, 吉野利明
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, SS ソフトウェアサイエンス, Tech. Rep. IEICE, 105, 2005
Class Name Recommendation Based on Graph Embedding of Program Elements
S Kurimoto, Y Hayase, H Yonai, H Ito, H Kitagawa
2019 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 498-505, 2019
A-SCORE: Automatic software component recommendation using coding context
R Shimada, Y Hayase, M Ichii, M Matsushita, K Inoue
2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering-Companion Volume …, 2009
Recommending Extract Method Refactoring Based on Confidence of Predicted Method Name
J Yamanaka, Y Hayase, T Amagasa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11011, 2021
Revision control system using delta script of syntax tree
Y Hayase, M Matsushita, K Inoue
Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on Software configuration …, 2005
StreamingCube-Based Analytical Framework for Environmental Data Analysis
S Bou, H Shiokawa, Y Hayase, H Kitagawa
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp …, 2019
Exploring Identical Users on GitHub and Stack Overflow.
T Komamizu, Y Hayase, T Amagasa, H Kitagawa
SEKE, 584-589, 2017
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Articles 1–20