Yan Tan
Yan Tan
associate researcher
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Cited by
The HITRAN2016 molecular spectroscopic database
IE Gordon, LS Rothman, C Hill, RV Kochanov, Y Tan, PF Bernath, M Birk, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 203, 3-69, 2017
The HITRAN2020 molecular spectroscopic database
IE Gordon, LS Rothman, RJ Hargreaves, R Hashemi, EV Karlovets, ...
Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer 277, 107949, 2022
Rovibrational line lists for nine isotopologues of the CO molecule in the X1Σ+ ground electronic state
G Li, IE Gordon, LS Rothman, Y Tan, SM Hu, S Kassi, A Campargue, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 216 (1), 15, 2015
The implementation of non-Voigt line profiles in the HITRAN database: H2 case study
P Wcisło, IE Gordon, H Tran, Y Tan, SM Hu, A Campargue, S Kassi, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 177, 75-91, 2016
High accuracy absorption coefficients for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission: Validation of updated carbon dioxide cross-sections using atmospheric spectra
F Oyafuso, VH Payne, BJ Drouin, VM Devi, DC Benner, K Sung, S Yu, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 203, 213-223, 2017
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the electric quadrupole transitions of H2 in the 784–852 nm region
Y Tan, J Wang, CF Cheng, XQ Zhao, AW Liu, SM Hu
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 300, 60-64, 2014
The first comprehensive dataset of beyond-Voigt line-shape parameters from ab initio quantum scattering calculations for the HITRAN database: He-perturbed H2 case study
P Wcisło, F Thibault, N Stolarczyk, H Jóźwiak, M Słowiński, M Gancewski, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 260, 107477, 2021
-He collisions: Ab initio theory meets cavity-enhanced spectra
M Słowiński, F Thibault, Y Tan, J Wang, AW Liu, SM Hu, S Kassi, ...
Physical Review A 101 (5), 052705, 2020
HITRAN2016: new and improved data and tools towards studies of planetary atmospheres
I Gordon, LS Rothman, JS Wilzewski, RV Kochanov, C Hill, Y Tan, ...
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts# 48 48, 421.13, 2016
Multiple Gas Detection by Cavity-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy with Sub-ppm Sensitivity
Q Yang, Y Tan, Z Qu, Y Sun, A Liu, S Hu
Analytical Chemistry 95 (13), 5652-5660, 2023
Revising the line-shape parameters for air-and self-broadened CO2 lines toward a sub-percent accuracy level
R Hashemi, IE Gordon, H Tran, RV Kochanov, EV Karlovets, Y Tan, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 256, 107283, 2020
Doppler broadening thermometry based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy
CF Cheng, J Wang, YR Sun, Y Tan, P Kang, SM Hu
Metrologia 52 (5), S385, 2015
Introduction of Water‐Vapor Broadening Parameters and Their Temperature‐Dependent Exponents Into the HITRAN Database: Part I—CO2, N2O, CO, CH4, O2, NH3, and H …
Y Tan, RV Kochanov, LS Rothman, IE Gordon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (21), 11580-11594, 2019
Optical–optical double-resonance absorption spectroscopy of molecules with kilohertz accuracy
CL Hu, VI Perevalov, CF Cheng, TP Hua, AW Liu, YR Sun, Y Tan, J Wang, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (18), 7843-7848, 2020
A well-isolated vibrational state of CO 2 verified by near-infrared saturated spectroscopy with kHz accuracy
H Wu, CL Hu, J Wang, YR Sun, Y Tan, AW Liu, SM Hu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (5), 2841-2848, 2020
H2, He, and CO2 Pressure-induced Parameters for the HITRAN Database. II. Line Lists of CO2, N2O, CO, SO2, OH, OCS, H2CO, HCN, PH3, H2S, and GeH4
Y Tan, FM Skinner, S Samuels, RJ Hargreaves, R Hashemi, IE Gordon
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 262 (2), 40, 2022
Collisional line-shape effects in accurate He-perturbed H2 spectra
M Słowiński, H Jóźwiak, M Gancewski, K Stankiewicz, N Stolarczyk, Y Tan, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 277, 107951, 2022
High sensitivity cavity ring down spectroscopy of CO2 overtone bands near 790 nm
KF Song, Y Lu, Y Tan, B Gao, AW Liu, SM Hu
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 112 (5), 761-768, 2011
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the fifth overtone of CO
Y Tan, J Wang, XQ Zhao, AW Liu, SM Hu
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 187, 274-279, 2017
Fano-like resonance due to interference with distant transitions
YN Lv, AW Liu, Y Tan, CL Hu, TP Hua, XB Zou, YR Sun, CL Zou, GC Guo, ...
Physical review Letters 129 (16), 163201, 2022
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Articles 1–20