Marie-Noëlle Thivierge
Marie-Noëlle Thivierge
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Predicted yield and nutritive value of an alfalfa–timothy mixture under climate change and elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide
MN Thivierge, G Jégo, G Bélanger, A Bertrand, GF Tremblay, CA Rotz, ...
Agronomy Journal 108 (2), 585-603, 2016
Response to nitrogen of sweet pearl millet and sweet sorghum grown for ethanol in eastern Canada
MN Thivierge, MH Chantigny, G Bélanger, P Seguin, A Bertrand, ...
Bioenergy research 8, 807-820, 2015
Root growth and turnover in perennial forages as affected by management systems and soil depth
S Houde, MN Thivierge, F Fort, G Bélanger, MH Chantigny, DA Angers, ...
Plant and Soil 451, 371-387, 2020
Root traits and carbon input in field‐grown sweet pearl millet, sweet sorghum, and grain corn
MN Thivierge, DA Angers, MH Chantigny, P Seguin, A Vanasse
Agronomy Journal 108 (1), 459-471, 2016
Environmental sustainability indicators for cash-crop farms in Quebec, Canada: A participatory approach
MN Thivierge, D Parent, V Bélanger, DA Angers, G Allard, D Pellerin, ...
Ecological indicators 45, 677-686, 2014
Sweet pearl millet and sweet sorghum have high nitrogen uptake efficiency under cool and wet climate
MN Thivierge, MH Chantigny, P Seguin, A Vanasse
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems 102, 195-208, 2015
Projected impact of future climate conditions on the agronomic and environmental performance of Canadian dairy farms
MN Thivierge, G Jégo, G Bélanger, MH Chantigny, CA Rotz, ...
Agricultural Systems 157, 241-257, 2017
Making farming more sustainable by helping farmers to decide rather than telling them what to do
R Kröbel, EC Stephens, MA Gorzelak, MN Thivierge, F Akhter, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (5), 055033, 2021
Using fall‐seeded cover crop mixtures to enhance agroecosystem services: A review
S Lavergne, A Vanasse, MN Thivierge, C Halde
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 4 (2), e20161, 2021
Greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potential from biofuel cropping systems fertilized with mineral and organic nitrogen sources
GE Pilecco, MH Chantigny, DA Weiler, C Aita, MN Thivierge, R Schmatz, ...
Science of The Total Environment 729, 138767, 2020
Forage crop yield and nutritive value under climate change in Canada.
MN Thivierge, G Jégo, G Belanger, A Bertrand, GF Tremblay, V Baron, ...
Field assessment of alfalfa populations recurrently selected for stem cell wall digestibility
A Bertrand, A Claessens, MN Thivierge, S Rocher, J Lajeunesse, ...
Crop Science 58 (4), 1632-1643, 2018
Nutritive value of sweet pearl millet and sweet sorghum as influenced by N fertilization
G Bélanger, MN Thivierge, MH Chantigny, P Seguin, A Vanasse
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 98 (2), 501-504, 2017
Développement d'un ensemble d'indicateurs pour l'évaluation de la durabilité environnementale des fermes québécoises en grandes cultures
MN Thivierge
Université Laval, 2011
Perennial forages in cold‐humid areas: Adaptation and resilience‐building strategies toward climate change
MN Thivierge, G Bélanger, G Jégo, S Delmotte, CA Rotz, É Charbonneau
Agronomy Journal 115 (4), 1519-1542, 2023
Nitrogen content of pea‐based cover crop mixtures and subsequent organic corn yield
S Lavergne, A Vanasse, MN Thivierge, C Halde
Agronomy Journal 113 (4), 3532-3547, 2021
Pea-based cover crop mixtures have greater plant belowground biomass, but lower plant aboveground biomass than a pure stand of pea
S Lavergne, A Vanasse, MN Thivierge, C Halde
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 322, 107657, 2021
Legume addition to alfalfa‐based mixtures improves the forage energy to protein ratio
GF Tremblay, M Thériault, P Seguin, X Godin, A Claessens, S Bittman, ...
Agronomy Journal 115 (4), 1842-1855, 2023
Défis et opportunités des changements climatiques pour les fermes laitières du Québec
G Bélanger, A Bertrand, G Jégo, É Charbonneau, MN Thivierge, V Ouellet, ...
Cahier de conférences du 40e Symposium sur les bovins laitiers 27, 2016
LegacyNet: introducing an international multi-site experiment investigating potential benefits of increasing the species diversity of grassland leys within crop rotations
J O'Malley, JA Finn, CS Malisch, PR Adler, M Bezemer, A Black, A Ergon, ...
Grassland Science in Europe 28, 249-251, 2023
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