Ehsan Hallaji
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Cited by
Information Fusion and Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Scheme for Diagnosing Gear Faults in Induction Machine Systems
R Razavi-Far, E Hallaji, M Farajzadeh-Zanjani, M Saif, SH Kia, H Henao, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (8), 6331-6342, 2019
A Semi-Supervised Diagnostic Framework Based on the Surface Estimation of Faulty Distributions
R Razavi-Far, E Hallaji, M Farajzadeh-Zanjani, M Saif
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (3), 1277-1286, 2019
Adversarial semi-supervised learning for diagnosing faults and attacks in power grids
M Farajzadeh-Zanjani, E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif, M Parvania
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (4), 3468-3478, 2021
A Novelty Detector and Extreme Verification Latency Model for Nonstationary Environments
R Razavi-Far, E Hallaji, M Saif, G Ditzler
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (1), 561-570, 2019
Generative adversarial dimensionality reduction for diagnosing faults and attacks in cyber-physical systems
M Farajzadeh-Zanjani, E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
Neurocomputing 440, 101-110, 2021
Unsupervised concrete feature selection based on mutual information for diagnosing faults and cyber-attacks in power systems
H Hassani, E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 100, 104150, 2021
DLIN: Deep Ladder Imputation Network
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (9), 8629-8641, 2021
Decentralized Federated Learning: A Survey on Security and Privacy
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif, B Wang, Q Yang
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 10 (2), 194-213, 2024
A Stream Learning Approach for Real-Time Identification of False Data Injection Attacks in Cyber-Physical Power Systems
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Wang, M Saif, B Fardanesh
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 17, 3934-3945, 2022
Generative-Adversarial Class-Imbalance Learning for Classifying Cyber-Attacks and Faults-A Cyber-Physical Power System
M Farajzadeh-Zanjani, E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 19 (6), 4068-4081, 2021
Label noise analysis meets adversarial training: A defense against label poisoning in federated learning
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif, E Herrera-Viedma
Knowledge-Based Systems 266, 110384, 2023
A Hybrid Scheme for Fault Diagnosis with Partially Labeled Sets of Observations
R Razavi-Far, E Hallaji, M Saif, L Rueda
16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2017
Detection of malicious SCADA communications via multi-subspace feature selection
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
Federated and transfer learning: A survey on adversaries and defense mechanisms
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
Federated and Transfer Learning, 29-55, 2022
Constrained Generative Adversarial Learning for Dimensionality Reduction
E Hallaji, M Farajzadeh-Zanjani, R Razavi-Far, V Palade, M Saif
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (3), 2394-2405, 2021
Adversarial Learning on Incomplete and Imbalanced Medical Data for Robust Survival Prediction of Liver Transplant Patients
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, V Palade, M Saif
IEEE Access 9, 73641-73650, 2021
Expanding Analytical Capabilities in Intrusion Detection through Ensemble-Based Multi-Label Classification
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
Computers & Security 139, 103730, 2024
A critical study on the impact of missing data imputation for classifying intrusions in cyber-physical water systems
R Razavi-Far, E Hallaji, M Farajzadeh-Zanjani, R Aljoudi, M Saif
IECON 2021–47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2021
Enhancing detection accuracy of cyber attacks through dimensionality reduction
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the …, 2020
Embedding time-series features into generative adversarial networks for intrusion detection in internet of things networks
E Hallaji, R Razavi-Far, M Saif
Generative Adversarial Learning: Architectures and Applications, 169-183, 2022
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Articles 1–20