Boris Vannière
Boris Vannière
Director of Research CNRS, France
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Cited by
Changes in fire regimes since the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on a global synthesis and analysis of charcoal data
MJ Power, J Marlon, N Ortiz, PJ Bartlein, SP Harrison, FE Mayle, ...
Climate dynamics 30, 887-907, 2008
The climate of the Mediterranean region: From the past to the future
P Lionello
Elsevier, 2012
Global biomass burning: a synthesis and review of Holocene paleofire records and their controls
JR Marlon, PJ Bartlein, AL Daniau, SP Harrison, SY Maezumi, MJ Power, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 65, 5-25, 2013
Holocene climate changes in the central Mediterranean as recorded by lake-level fluctuations at Lake Accesa (Tuscany, Italy)
M Magny, JL de Beaulieu, R Drescher-Schneider, B Vannière, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (13-14), 1736-1758, 2007
Predictability of biomass burning in response to climate changes
AL Daniau, PJ Bartlein, SP Harrison, IC Prentice, S Brewer, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26 (4), 2012
North–south palaeohydrological contrasts in the central Mediterranean during the Holocene: tentative synthesis and working hypotheses
M Magny, N Combourieu-Nebout, JL De Beaulieu, V Bout-Roumazeilles, ...
Climate of the Past 9 (5), 2043-2071, 2013
Climate versus human-driven fire regimes in Mediterranean landscapes: the Holocene record of Lago dell’Accesa (Tuscany, Italy)
B Vannière, D Colombaroli, E Chapron, A Leroux, W Tinner, M Magny
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (11-12), 1181-1196, 2008
Circum-Mediterranean fire activity and climate changes during the mid-Holocene environmental transition (8500-2500 cal. BP)
B Vannière, MJ Power, N Roberts, W Tinner, J Carrión, M Magny, ...
The Holocene 21 (1), 53-73, 2011
Holocene seasonality changes in the central Mediterranean region reconstructed from the pollen sequences of Lake Accesa (Italy) and Tenaghi Philippon (Greece)
O Peyron, S Goring, I Dormoy, U Kotthoff, J Pross, JL De Beaulieu, ...
The Holocene 21 (1), 131-146, 2011
Possible complexity of the climatic event around 4300—3800 cal. BP in the central and western Mediterranean
M Magny, B Vannière, G Zanchetta, E Fouache, G Touchais, L Petrika, ...
The Holocene 19 (6), 823-833, 2009
A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean
J Luterbacher, R García-Herrera, AR Allan, BG Alvarez-Castro, G Benito, ...
The Climate of the Mediterranean Region From the past to the future, 87-185, 2012
Reconstructions of biomass burning from sediment-charcoal records to improve data–model comparisons
JR Marlon, R Kelly, AL Daniau, B Vannière, MJ Power, P Bartlein, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (11), 3225-3244, 2016
Erosion under climate and human pressures: An alpine lake sediment perspective
F Arnaud, J Poulenard, C Giguet-Covex, B Wilhelm, S Révillon, JP Jenny, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 152, 1-18, 2016
Fire—vegetation interactions during the Mesolithic—Neolithic transition at Lago dell'Accesa, Tuscany, Italy
D Colombaroli, B Vannière, C Emmanuel, M Magny, W Tinner
The Holocene 18 (5), 679-692, 2008
paleofire: An R package to analyse sedimentary charcoal records from the Global Charcoal Database to reconstruct past biomass burning
O Blarquez, B Vannière, JR Marlon, AL Daniau, MJ Power, S Brewer, ...
Computers & Geosciences 72, 255-261, 2014
12,000-Years of fire regime drivers in the lowlands of Transylvania (Central-Eastern Europe): a data-model approach
A Feurdean, J Liakka, B Vannière, E Marinova, SM Hutchinson, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 81, 48-61, 2013
Holocene hydrological changes in south-western Mediterranean as recorded by lake-level fluctuations at Lago Preola, a coastal lake in southern Sicily, Italy
M Magny, B Vannière, C Calo, L Millet, A Leroux, O Peyron, G Zanchetta, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (19-20), 2459-2475, 2011
Pollen and non-pollen palynomorph evidence of medieval farming activities in southwestern Greenland
E Gauthier, V Bichet, C Massa, C Petit, B Vannière, H Richard
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19, 427-438, 2010
Environmental and climatic changes in the Jura mountains (eastern France) during the Lateglacial–Holocene transition: a multi-proxy record from Lake Lautrey
M Magny, G Aalbersberg, C Bégeot, P Benoit-Ruffaldi, G Bossuet, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 25 (5-6), 414-445, 2006
Early-Holocene climatic oscillations recorded by lake-level fluctuations in west-central Europe and in central Italy
M Magny, B Vannière, JL de Beaulieu, C Bégeot, O Heiri, L Millet, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (15-16), 1951-1964, 2007
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Articles 1–20