Bharathy Premachandra
Bharathy Premachandra
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cornell University
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Cited by
Do we report the information that is necessary to give psychology away? A scoping review of the psychological intervention literature 2000–2018
B Premachandra, NA Lewis Jr
Perspectives on Psychological Science 17 (1), 226-238, 2022
Early childhood education and care quality and associations with child outcomes: A meta-analysis
A von Suchodoletz, DS Lee, J Henry, S Tamang, B Premachandra, Y H
PloS ONE 18 (5), e0285985, 2023
Under Pressure: Wells Fargo, Misconduct, Leadership and Culture
B Premachandra, A Filabi …, 2018
Correction: Early childhood education and care quality and associations with child outcomes: A meta-analysis
A von Suchodoletz, DS Lee, J Henry, S Tamang, B Premachandra, ...
Plos one 18 (10), e0293056, 2023
Identities, drinking behaviors and cancer beliefs among African-American and White American adults: A qualitative analysis
JC Yeh, B Premachandra, NA Lewis Jr, J Niederdeppe, DH Jernigan
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 1-22, 2023
Surveys as conversations between makers and takers: A conversational framework for assessing and responding to community needs
SJ Tepper, MK Spruill, B Premachandra, NA Lewis Jr
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 22 (3), 857-875, 2022
Classroom Contexts, Student Mindsets, and (In) Equity in Computer Science: A National Longitudinal Study
JY Cho, B Premachandra, R Kizilcec, N Lewis Jr
OSF, 2021
Associations among quality indicators in early childhood education and care (ECEC) and relations with child outcomes: A meta-analysis
A Von Suchodoletz, DS Lee, B Premachandra, H Yoshikawa
Who does big team science?
EM Buchanan, SC Lewis
OSF Preprints, 2023
Identities, drinking behaviors, and alcohol-related cancer awareness among Black and White adults: A qualitative exploration
JCJ Yeh, B Premachandra, NA Lewis Jr, J Niederdeppe, DH Jernigan
APHA 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo, 2022
Psychology International| September 2017
CI Vazquez
Engaging Young Children
S Strong
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Articles 1–12