Erik Rolland
Erik Rolland
Professor Emeritus
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Cited by
The design of reverse distribution networks: models and solution procedures
V Jayaraman, RA Patterson, E Rolland
European journal of operational research 150 (1), 128-149, 2003
An efficient tabu search procedure for the p-median problem
E Rolland, DA Schilling, JR Current
European Journal of Operational Research 96 (2), 329-342, 1997
Knowledge-sharing in virtual communities: familiarity, anonymity and self-determination theory
C Yoon, E Rolland
Behaviour & Information Technology 31 (11), 1133-1143, 2012
Decision support for disaster management
E Rolland, RA Patterson, K Ward, B Dodin
Operations Management Research 3, 68-79, 2010
Understanding continuance use in social networking services
C Yoon, E Rolland
Journal of Computer Information Systems 55 (2), 1-8, 2015
Tabu search for graph partitioning
E Rolland, H Pirkul, F Glover
Annals of operations research 63, 209-232, 1996
Modeling customer satisfaction from unstructured data using a Bayesian approach
M Farhadloo, RA Patterson, E Rolland
Decision Support Systems 90, 1-11, 2016
A framework for enterprise risk identification and management: the resource-based view
BK Mishra, E Rolland, A Satpathy, M Moore
Managerial Auditing Journal 34 (2), 162-188, 2019
Fundamentals of sentiment analysis and its applications
M Farhadloo, E Rolland
Sentiment Analysis and Ontology Engineering: An Environment of Computational …, 2016
Heuristic concentration and tabu search: A head to head comparison
KE Rosing, CS ReVelle, E Rolland, DA Schilling, JR Current
European Journal of Operational Research 104 (1), 93-99, 1998
Understanding individual adoption of mobile instant messaging: A multiple perspectives approach
C Yoon, C Jeong, E Rolland
Information Technology and Management 16, 139-151, 2015
Improving outpatient health care quality: understanding the quality dimensions
KF Ward, E Rolland, RA Patterson
Health Care Management Review 30 (4), 361-371, 2005
Tabu search in audit scheduling
B Dodin, AA Elimam, E Rolland
European Journal of Operational Research 106 (2-3), 373-392, 1998
Multi-class sentiment analysis with clustering and score representation
M Farhadloo, E Rolland
2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining workshops, 904-912, 2013
A memory adaptive reasoning technique for solving the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem
R Patterson, H Pirkul, E Rolland
Journal of Heuristics 5, 159-180, 1999
Efficient algorithms for solving the shortest covering path problem
J Current, H Pirkul, E Rolland
Transportation Science 28 (4), 317-327, 1994
How much to share with third parties? User privacy concerns and website dilemmas
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, RA Patterson, E Rolland, D Zhdanov
Mis Quarterly 42 (1), 143-A25, 2018
Are prices really lower on the Internet?: An analysis of the vitamin industry
S Erevelles, E Rolland, S Srinivasan
Working Paper, University of California, Riverside, 2001
Design of efficient hybrid neural networks for flexible flow shop scheduling
H Wang, V Jacob, E Rolland
Expert Systems 20 (4), 209, 2003
A tabu search method for constrained real-number search: Applications to portfolio selection
E Rolland
Technical report, 1997
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Articles 1–20