Alexander Buoye
Alexander Buoye
Associate Professor of Marketing at St. John's University
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Data‐driven services marketing in a connected world
V Kumar, V Chattaraman, C Neghina, B Skiera, L Aksoy, A Buoye, ...
Journal of Service Management 24 (3), 330-352, 2013
The interplay of customer experience and commitment
T Keiningham, J Ball, S Benoit, HL Bruce, A Buoye, J Dzenkovska, L Nasr, ...
Journal of Services Marketing 31 (2), 148-160, 2017
A five-component customer commitment model: implications for repurchase intentions in goods and services industries
TL Keiningham, CM Frennea, L Aksoy, A Buoye, V Mittal
Journal of Service Research 18 (4), 433-450, 2015
A cross-national investigation of the satisfaction and loyalty linkage for mobile telecommunications services across eight countries
L Aksoy, A Buoye, P Aksoy, B Larivière, TL Keiningham
Journal of Interactive Marketing 27 (1), 74-82, 2013
Control, use and ownership of big data: A reciprocal view of customer big data value in the hospitality and tourism industry
ND Line, T Dogru, D El-Manstrly, A Buoye, E Malthouse, J Kandampully
Tourism Management 80, 104106, 2020
Does loyalty span domains? Examining the relationship between consumer loyalty, other loyalties and happiness
L Aksoy, TL Keiningham, A Buoye, B Lariviere, L Williams, I Wilson
Journal of Business Research 68 (12), 2464-2476, 2015
Customer loyalty isn’t enough. Grow your share of wallet
TL Keiningham, L Aksoy, A Buoye, B Cooil
Harvard Business Review 89 (10), 29-31, 2011
The high price of customer satisfaction
T Keiningham, S Gupta, L Aksoy, A Buoye
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2014
Perceptions are relative: an examination of the relationship between relative satisfaction metrics and share of wallet
TL Keiningham, B Cooil, EC Malthouse, B Lariviere, A Buoye, L Aksoy, ...
Journal of Service Management 26 (1), 2-43, 2015
The practitioners’ path to customer loyalty: Memorable experiences or frictionless experiences?
L Williams, A Buoye, TL Keiningham, L Aksoy
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 57, 102215, 2020
The cumulative effect of satisfaction with discrete transactions on share of wallet
T L. Keiningham, L Aksoy, E C. Malthouse, B Lariviere, A Buoye
Journal of Service Management 25 (3), 310-333, 2014
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics do not serve services customers: A missing link between sustainability metrics and customer perceptions of social innovation
L Aksoy, AJ Buoye, M Fors, TL Keiningham, S Rosengren
Journal of Service Management 33 (4/5), 565-577, 2022
Can we talk? The impact of willingness to recommend on a new-to-market service brand extension within a social network
L Aksoy, A Buoye, B Cooil, TL Keiningham, DD Paul, C Volinsky
Journal of Service Research 14 (3), 355-371, 2011
Beyond reciprocal: the role of platforms in diffusing data value across multiple stakeholders
EC Malthouse, A Buoye, N Line, D El-Manstrly, T Dogru, J Kandampully
Journal of Service Management 30 (4), 507-518, 2019
The wallet allocation rule: Winning the battle for share
TL Keiningham, L Aksoy, L Williams, AJ Buoye
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Parents' burdens of service for children with ASD–implications for service providers
A Helkkula, AJ Buoye, H Choi, MK Lee, SQ Liu, TL Keiningham
Journal of Service Management 31 (5), 1015-1039, 2020
An examination of relative satisfaction and share of wallet: investigating the impact of country and customer characteristics
AJ Buoye
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 26 (3), 2016
Signals, symbols, and vibes: An exercise in cross-cultural interaction
DJ Myers, AJ Buoye, J Mcdermott, DE Strickler, RG Ryman
Teaching Sociology 29 (1), 95-101, 2001
Capitalizing on the extra curriculum: Participation, peer influence, and academic achievement
AJ Buoye
University of Notre Dame, 2004
Intellectual property extensions in entertainment services: Marvel and DC comics
A Buoye, A De Keyser, Z Gong, N Lao
Journal of Services Marketing 34 (2), 239-251, 2020
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Articles 1–20