Keith Hipel
Keith Hipel
University Professor of Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo
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Time series modelling of water resources and environmental systems
KW Hipel, AI McLeod
Elsevier, 1994
Conflict analysis. I
KW Hipel
Information and decision technologies 16 (3), 1990
Interactive decision making: The graph model for conflict resolution
L Fang, KW Hipel, DM Kilgour
John Wiley & Sons, 1993
Preservation of the rescaled adjusted range: 1. A reassessment of the Hurst Phenomenon
AI McLeod, KW Hipel
Water Resources Research 14 (3), 491-508, 1978
Solving complex conflicts
NM Fraser, KW Hipel
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 9 (12), 805-816, 1979
The graph model for conflicts
DM Kilgour, KW Hipel, L Fang
Automatica 23 (1), 41-55, 1987
Advances in box‐jenkins modeling: 1. Model construction
KW Hipel, AI McLeod, WC Lennox
Water Resources Research 13 (3), 567-575, 1977
A decision support system for interactive decision making-Part I: model formulation
L Fang, KW Hipel, DM Kilgour, X Peng
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2003
A case-based distance model for multiple criteria ABC analysis
Y Chen, KW Li, DM Kilgour, KW Hipel
Computers & Operations Research 35 (3), 776-796, 2008
Forecasting China's electricity consumption using a new grey prediction model
S Ding, KW Hipel, Y Dang
Energy 149, 314-328, 2018
Basin-wide cooperative water resources allocation
L Wang, L Fang, KW Hipel
European Journal of Operational Research 190 (3), 798-817, 2008
A decision support system for interactive decision making-Part II: analysis and output interpretation
L Fang, KW Hipel, DM Kilgour, X Peng
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2003
Exploring social dimensions of municipal solid waste management around the globe–A systematic literature review
J Ma, KW Hipel
Waste management 56, 3-12, 2016
The decision support system GMCR in environmental conflict management
KW Hipel, DM Kilgour, L Fang, XJ Peng
Applied Mathematics and Computation 83 (2-3), 117-152, 1997
Preference uncertainty in the graph model for conflict resolution
KW Li, KW Hipel, DM Kilgour, L Fang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2004
Non-cooperative stability definitions for strategic analysis of generic water resources conflicts
K Madani, KW Hipel
Water resources management 25, 1949-1977, 2011
The graph model for conflict resolution: past, present, and future
DM Kilgour, KW Hipel
Group Decision and Negotiation 14, 441-460, 2005
Supplier selection process in an integrated construction materials management model
M Safa, A Shahi, CT Haas, KW Hipel
Automation in construction 48, 64-73, 2014
Water resources allocation: a cooperative game theoretic approach
LZ Wang, L Fang, KW Hipel
Journal of Environmental Informatics 2 (2), 11-22, 2003
An analysis of influencing factors on municipal solid waste source-separated collection behavior in Guilin, China by Using the Theory of Planned Behavior
J Ma, KW Hipel, ML Hanson, X Cai, Y Liu
Sustainable cities and society 37, 336-343, 2018
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Articles 1–20