Himanshu Kaul
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Cited by
On the genealogy of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
H Kaul, Y Ventikos
Tissue Engineering Part B 21 (2), 203-217, 2015
DP2 antagonism reduces airway smooth muscle mass in asthma by decreasing eosinophilia and myofibroblast recruitment
R Saunders, H Kaul, R Berair, S Gonem, A Singapuri, AJ Sutcliffe, ...
Science translational medicine 11 (479), eaao6451, 2019
Hand-mixed and premixed antibiotic-loaded bone cement have similar homogeneity
AC McLaren, M Nugent, K Economopoulos, H Kaul, BL Vernon, ...
Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research 467 (7), 1693-1698, 2009
Investigating biocomplexity through the agent-based paradigm.
H Kaul, Y Ventikos
Briefings in Bioinformatics 16 (1), 137-152, 2015
Computational modelling prediction and clinical validation of impact of benralizumab on airway smooth muscle mass in asthma
L Chachi, S Diver, H Kaul, MC Rebelatto, A Boutrin, P Nisa, P Newbold, ...
European Respiratory Journal 54 (5), 2019
A multi-paradigm modeling framework to simulate dynamic reciprocity in a bioreactor
H Kaul, Z Cui, Y Ventikos
PLoS One 8 (3), e59671, 2013
Dynamic reciprocity revisited
H Kaul, Y Ventikos
Journal of Theoretical Biology 370, 205-208, 2015
Synergistic activity of polarised osteoblasts inside condensations cause their differentiation
H Kaul, BK Hall, C Newby, Y Ventikos
Scientific Reports 5, 11838, 2015
A computational analysis of the impact of mass transport and shear on three-dimensional stem cell cultures in perfused micro-bioreactors
H Kaul, Y Ventikos, Z Cui
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 24 (1), 163-174, 2016
Respiratory healthcare by design: computational approaches bringing respiratory precision and personalised medicine closer to bedside
H Kaul
Morphologie 103 (343), 194-202, 2019
Virtual cells in a virtual microenvironment recapitulate early development-like patterns in human pluripotent stem cell colonies
H Kaul, N Werschler, RD Jones, MM Siu, M Tewary, A Hagner, J Ostblom, ...
Stem cell reports 18 (1), 377-393, 2023
Synthetic gene circuits for cell state detection and protein tuning in human pluripotent stem cells
L Prochazka, YS Michaels, C Lau, RD Jones, M Siu, T Yin, D Wu, E Jang, ...
Molecular Systems Biology 18 (11), e10886, 2022
Fevipiprant (QAW039) Reduces Airway Smooth Muscle Mass in Asthma Via Antagonism of the Prostaglandin D2 Receptor 2 (DP2)
R Saunders, H Kaul, R Berair, A Singapuri, I Chernyavsky, L Chachi, ...
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 195 (A4677), 2017
DP2 antagonism reduces airway smooth muscle mass in asthma by decreasing eosinophilia and myofibroblast recruitment. Sci Transl Med. 2019
R Saunders, H Kaul, R Berair, S Gonem, A Singapuri, AJ Sutcliffe
Fevipiprant reduces airway smooth muscle mass in asthmatics via PGD2 receptor antagonism
R Saunders, H Kaul, R Berair, A Singapuri, I Chernyavsky, L Chachi, ...
European Respiratory Journal 50 (suppl 61), 2017
Multiscale computational modeling offers key to understanding molecular logic underpinning development and disease
H Kaul
BioTechniques 74 (6), 282-285, 2023
Discrete-to-analog signal conversion in human pluripotent stem cells
L Prochazka, YS Michaels, C Lau, M Siu, T Yin, D Wu, E Jang, RD Jones, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.11. 05.467377, 2021
Gene regulatory network (GRN) embedded agents connect cellular decision making to human pluripotent stem cell derived germ layer-like pattern formation
H Kaul, N Werschler, M Tewary, A Hagner, J Ostblom, D Aguilar-Hidalgo, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.10. 06.327650, 2020
Clinically-relevant computational model of airway remodelling to design and optimise interventions to treat asthma
H Kaul, C Brightling, R Smallwood
European Respiratory Journal 50 (suppl 61), 2017
A multi-paradigm framework for simulating biocomplexity
H Kaul
University of Oxford, 2013
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Articles 1–20