Stacey Humphries
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Cited by
A pre-registered, multi-lab non-replication of the action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE)
RD Morey, MP Kaschak, AM Díez-Álamo, AM Glenberg, RA Zwaan, ...
Psychonomic bulletin & review 29 (2), 613-626, 2022
A third-person perspective on co-speech action gestures in Parkinson's disease
S Humphries, J Holler, E Herrera, T Crawford, E Poliakoff
Cortex 78, 44-54, 2016
Attitudes toward cognitive enhancement: the role of metaphor and context
EC Conrad, S Humphries, A Chatterjee
AJOB neuroscience 10 (1), 35-47, 2019
A thirst for knowledge: Grounding curiosity, creativity, and aesthetics in memory and reward neural systems
YN Kenett, S Humphries, A Chatterjee
Creativity Research Journal 35 (3), 412-426, 2023
Public opinion on cognitive enhancement varies across different situations
CT Dinh, S Humphries, A Chatterjee
AJOB neuroscience 11 (4), 224-237, 2020
Morality is in the eye of the beholder: the neurocognitive basis of the “anomalous‐is‐bad” stereotype
CI Workman, S Humphries, F Hartung, GK Aguirre, JW Kable, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1494 (1), 3-17, 2021
Context matters: Novel metaphors in supportive and non-supportive contexts
F Hartung, YN Kenett, ER Cardillo, S Humphries, N Klooster, A Chatterjee
NeuroImage 212, 116645, 2020
From action to abstraction: The sensorimotor grounding of metaphor in Parkinson's disease
S Humphries, N Klooster, E Cardillo, D Weintraub, J Rick, A Chatterjee
Cortex 121, 362-384, 2019
Mental rotation of hands and objects in ageing and Parkinson’s disease: Differentiating motor imagery and visuospatial ability
J Bek, S Humphries, E Poliakoff, N Brady
Experimental brain research 240 (7), 1991-2004, 2022
Movement in aesthetic experiences: What we can learn from Parkinson disease
S Humphries, J Rick, D Weintraub, A Chatterjee
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 33 (7), 1329-1342, 2021
Sensitive measures of cognition in mild cognitive impairment
N Klooster, S Humphries, E Cardillo, F Hartung, L Xie, S Das, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 82 (3), 1123-1136, 2021
Cospeech gestures are a window into the effects of Parkinson’s disease on action representations.
S Humphries, J Holler, T Crawford, E Poliakoff
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (8), 1581, 2021
Facial Scars: Do Position and Orientation Matter?
ZD Zapatero, CI Workman, CL Kalmar, S Humphries, MS Kosyk, ...
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 150 (6), 1237-1246, 2022
Action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE) pre-registered replication
M Kaschak, R Zwaan, A Glenberg, RD Morey, A Ibanez, C Gianelli, ...
OSF, 2016
Visual attention, bias, and social dispositions toward people with facial anomalies: a prospective study with eye-tracking technology
DF Villavisanis, CI Workman, ZD Zapatero, GH Vu, SA Humphries, ...
Annals of Plastic Surgery 90 (5), 482-486, 2023
Layperson bias and empathy influence visual attention toward patients with hemifacial microsomia: a prospective eye-tracking study
D Villavisanis, C Workman, ZD Zapatero, G Vu, S Humphries, JD Blum, ...
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery–Global Open 10 (10S), 128-129, 2022
Normalizing Anomalies with Mobile Exposure (NAME): Reducing implicit biases against people with facial anomalies.
N Bilici, CI Workman, S Humphries, M Paruzel-Czachura, R Hamilton, ...
Do we judge fiction by the author’s gender?
C Ivanski, S Humphries, K van Dalen-Oskam, RA Mar
Journal of Media Psychology, 2022
Visual attention toward patients with hemifacial microsomia reconstruction: a prospective eye-tracking study
DF Villavisanis, CI Workman, ZD Zapatero, GH Vu, SA Humphries, ...
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 10.1097, 2021
Mental rotation of hands and objects in ageing and Parkinson’s disease: Implications for understanding motor imagery
J Bek, S Humphries, E Poliakoff, N Brady
Experimental Brain Research, 1-14, 1991
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Articles 1–20