Jonathan Amoyaw
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Cited by
Impacts of English language proficiency on healthcare access, use, and outcomes among immigrants: a qualitative study
M Pandey, RG Maina, J Amoyaw, Y Li, R Kamrul, CR Michaels, R Maroof
BMC Health Services Research 21, 1-13, 2021
Socioeconomic and demographic predictors of potable water and sanitation access in Ghana
EA Adams, GO Boateng, JA Amoyaw
Social Indicators Research 126, 673-687, 2016
Women’s empowerment in the context of millennium development goal 3: A case study of married women in Ghana
GO Boateng, VZ Kuuire, M Ung, JA Amoyaw, FA Armah, I Luginaah
Social Indicators Research 115, 137-158, 2014
Timing and utilisation of antenatal care service in Nigeria and Malawi
VZ Kuuire, J Kangmennaang, KN Atuoye, R Antabe, SA Boamah, ...
Global public health 12 (6), 711-727, 2017
Negotiation for safer sex among married women in Cambodia: The role of women's autonomy
M Ung, GO Boateng, FA Armah, JA Amoyaw, I Luginaah, V Kuuire
Journal of biosocial science 46 (1), 90-106, 2014
Utilisation of skilled birth attendants over time in Nigeria and Malawi
KN Atuoye, JA Amoyaw, VZ Kuuire, J Kangmennaang, SA Boamah, ...
Global public health 12 (6), 728-743, 2017
The paradox of water accessibility: understanding the temporal and spatial dimensions of access to improved water sources in Rwanda
L Osei, J Amoyaw, GO Boateng, S Boamah, I Luginaah
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 5 (4), 553-564, 2015
Conundrum of sexual decision making in marital relationships: safer-sex knowledge, behavior, and attitudes of married women in Zambia
JA Amoyaw, VZ Kuuire, GO Boateng, Y Asare-Bediako, M Ung
The Journal of Sex Research 52 (8), 868-877, 2015
Exploring the linkage between exposure to mass media and HIV testing among married women and men in Ghana
Y Sano, AP Sedziafa, JA Amoyaw, GO Boateng, VZ Kuuire, S Boamah, ...
AIDS care 28 (6), 684-688, 2016
Does helping them benefit me? Examining the emotional cost and benefit of immigrants' pecuniary remittance behaviour in Canada
JA Amoyaw, T Abada
Social science & medicine 153, 182-192, 2016
Becoming permanent: The transition characteristics of temporary foreign workers to permanent residents in Canada
M Haan, Y Yoshida, J Amoyaw, N Iciaszczyk
International Migration 59 (2), 8-24, 2021
Transition to adulthood of refugee and immigrant children in Canada
Y Yoshida, J Amoyaw
Applied Psycholinguistics 41 (6), 1465-1495, 2020
Immigration as a social determinant of troubled sleep in Canada: some evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey–Mental Health
Y Sano, R Antabe, E Kyeremeh, E Kwon, J Amoyaw
Sleep Health 5 (2), 135-140, 2019
Explaining the gap in antenatal care service utilization between younger and older mothers in Ghana
SA Boamah, J Amoyaw, I Luginaah
Journal of biosocial science 48 (3), 342-357, 2016
Food insecurity among postsecondary international students: a scoping review protocol
J Amoyaw, M Pandey, G Maina, Y Li, DO Nkrumah
BMJ open 12 (10), e060952, 2022
Six decades after independence: the enduring influence of missionary activities on regional wealth inequalities in Ghana
GO Boateng, D Okoye, J Amoyaw, I Luginaah
Journal of Economic Geography 20 (1), 93-122, 2020
Exploring arts-based interventions for youth substance use prevention: a scoping review of literature
G Maina, Y Li, Y Fang, J Amoyaw, M Pandey, T Herzog, D Nkrumah, ...
BMC public health 22 (1), 2281, 2022
Exploring family based immigrant youth substance use prevention programmes: a scoping review protocol
Y Li, G Maina, M Pandey, J Amoyaw, Y Fang
BMJ open 11 (5), e046766, 2021
Measuring the overall burden of early childhood malnutrition in Ghana: a comparison of estimates from multiple data sources
JP Kuwornu, J Amoyaw, T Manyanga, EJ Cooper, E Donkoh, A Nkrumah
International Journal of Health Policy and Management 11 (7), 1035, 2020
Residential spaces and timing of first sexual intercourse among never-married youths in Nigeria
JA Amoyaw, I Luginaah
Archives of sexual behavior 46, 1939-1948, 2017
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Articles 1–20