Matthias Sweet
Matthias Sweet
Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
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All minutes are not equal: travel time and the effects of congestion on commute satisfaction in Canadian cities
CD Higgins, MN Sweet, PS Kanaroglou
Transportation 45, 1249-1268, 2018
Traffic congestion’s economic impacts: Evidence from US metropolitan regions
M Sweet
Urban Studies 51 (10), 2088-2110, 2014
Does traffic congestion slow the economy?
M Sweet
Journal of Planning Literature 26 (4), 391-404, 2011
Gender differences: The role of travel and time use in subjective well-being
M Sweet, P Kanaroglou
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 40, 23-34, 2016
Integrating walkability into planning practice
R Weinberger, MN Sweet
Transportation research record 2322 (1), 20-30, 2012
Does regional travel time unreliability influence mode choice?
MN Sweet, M Chen
Transportation 38, 625-642, 2011
Are major Canadian city-regions monocentric, polycentric, or dispersed?
MN Sweet, B Bullivant, PS Kanaroglou
Urban Geography 38 (3), 445-471, 2017
No longer in the driver’s seat: How do affective motivations impact consumer interest in automated vehicles?
MN Sweet, K Laidlaw
Transportation 47 (5), 2601-2634, 2020
User interest in on-demand, shared, and driverless mobility: Evidence from stated preference choice experiments in Southern Ontario
MN Sweet
Travel behaviour and society 23, 120-133, 2021
Do firms flee traffic congestion?
MN Sweet
Journal of Transport Geography 35, 40-49, 2014
Insights into the future of telework in Canada: Modeling the trajectory of telework across a pandemic
M Sweet, DM Scott
Sustainable Cities and Society 87, 104175, 2022
Parking demand management in a relatively uncongested university setting
MN Sweet, MR Ferguson
Case Studies on Transport Policy 7 (2), 453-462, 2019
Gridlock in the Greater Toronto Area: Its geography and intensity during key periods
MN Sweet, CJ Harrison, PS Kanaroglou
Applied Geography 58, 167-178, 2015
Forecasting the outlook for automated vehicles in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area using a 2016 consumer survey
K Laidlaw, M Sweet, T Olsen
Retrieved on September 3, 2018, 2018
No free rides: Winners and losers of the proposed Toronto Transit Commission U-Pass program
A Butler, M Sweet
Transport Policy 96, 15-28, 2020
Who’s driving change? Potential to commute further using automated vehicles among existing drivers in southern Ontario, Canada
T Olsen, MN Sweet
Transportation Research Record 2673 (7), 50-61, 2019
On-demand ride hailing as publicly subsidized mobility: An empirical case study of Innisfil Transit
A Benaroya, M Sweet, R Mitra
Case Studies on Transport Policy 11, 100944, 2023
Who will adopt private automated vehicles and automated shuttle buses? Testing the roles of past experience and performance expectancy
MN Sweet, DM Scott, S Hamiditehrani
Transportation Planning and Technology 46 (1), 45-70, 2023
Shared mobility adoption from 2016 to 2018 in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area: Demographic or geographic diffusion?
MN Sweet, DM Scott
Journal of Transport Geography 96, 103197, 2021
Estimating consumer demand for autonomous vehicles in the greater Toronto-Hamilton Area: 2016 survey and model results
K Laidlaw, MN Sweet
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, 2017
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