Chris K. Elvidge
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Phenotypically plastic neophobia: a response to variable predation risk
GE Brown, MCO Ferrari, CK Elvidge, I Ramnarine, DP Chivers
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1756), 20122712, 2013
Provenance and threat-sensitive predator avoidance patterns in wild-caught Trinidadian guppies
GE Brown, CJ Macnaughton, CK Elvidge, I Ramnarine, JGJ Godin
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63, 699-706, 2009
Sensory complementation and the acquisition of predator recognition by salmonid fishes
MCO Ferrari, MA Vavrek, CK Elvidge, B Fridman, DP Chivers, GE Brown
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63, 113-121, 2008
The responses of prey fish to temporal variation in predation risk: sensory habituation or risk assessment?
MCO Ferrari, CK Elvidge, CD Jackson, DP Chivers, GE Brown
Behavioral Ecology 21 (3), 532-536, 2010
Background level of risk determines the intensity of predator neophobia in juvenile convict cichlids
GE Brown, DP Chivers, CK Elvidge, CD Jackson, MCO Ferrari
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68, 127-133, 2014
Background risk and recent experience influences retention of neophobic responses to predators
GE Brown, CK Elvidge, I Ramnarine, MCO Ferrari, DP Chivers
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69, 737-745, 2015
Local predation risk shapes spatial and foraging neophobia patterns in Trinidadian guppies
CK Elvidge, PJC Chuard, GE Brown
Current Zoology, 1-6, 2016
Cross-population responses to conspecific chemical alarm cues in wild Trinidadian guppies, Poecilia reticulata: evidence for local conservation of cue production
GE Brown, CK Elvidge, CJ Macnaughton, I Ramnarine, JGJ Godin
Canadian Journal of Zoology 88 (2), 139-147, 2010
Disturbance cues in freshwater prey fishes: do juvenile convict cichlids and rainbow trout respond to ammonium as an ‘early warning’signal?
MA Vavrek, CK Elvidge, R DeCaire, B Belland, CD Jackson, GE Brown
Chemoecology 18, 255-261, 2008
Compensatory foraging in Trinidadian guppies: effects of acute and chronic predation threats
CK Elvidge, I Ramnarine, GE Brown
Current Zoology 60 (3), 323-332, 2014
Ten practical realities for institutional animal care and use committees when evaluating protocols dealing with fish in the field
SJ Cooke, ADM Wilson, CK Elvidge, RJ Lennox, N Jepsen, AH Colotelo, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2015
Personality and the response to predation risk: effects of information quantity and quality
GE Brown, CK Elvidge, I Ramnarine, DP Chivers, MCO Ferrari
Animal Cognition 17, 1063-1069, 2014
Exploiting common senses: sensory ecology meets wildlife conservation and management
LK Elmer, CL Madliger, DT Blumstein, CK Elvidge, E Fernández-Juricic, ...
Conservation physiology 9 (1), coab002, 2021
Preferences of age-0 white sturgeon for different colours and strobe rates of LED lights may inform behavioural guidance strategies
MI Ford, CK Elvidge, D Baker, TC Pratt, KE Smokorowski, M Sills, ...
Environmental Biology of Fishes 101, 667-674, 2018
On the relevance of animal behavior to the management and conservation of fishes and fisheries
SJ Cooke, HL Auld, K Birnie-Gauvin, CK Elvidge, ML Piczak, ...
Environmental Biology of Fishes 106 (5), 785-810, 2023
Behavioural guidance of yellow-stage American eel Anguilla rostrata with a light-emitting diode device
CK Elvidge, MI Ford, TC Pratt, KE Smokorowski, M Sills, PH Patrick, ...
Endangered Species Research 35, 159-168, 2018
Do protected areas mitigate the effects of fisheries‐induced evolution on parental care behaviour of a teleost fish?
WM Twardek, CK Elvidge, ADM Wilson, DA Algera, AJ Zolderdo, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27 (4), 789-796, 2017
Sensory complementation and antipredator behavioural compensation in acid-impacted juvenile Atlantic salmon
CK Elvidge, CJ Macnaughton, GE Brown
Oecologia 172, 69-78, 2013
Association mapping based on a common-garden migration experiment reveals candidate genes for migration tendency in brown trout
A Lemopoulos, S Uusi-Heikkilä, P Hyvärinen, N Alioravainen, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9 (9), 2887-2896, 2019
Does coastal light pollution alter the nocturnal behavior and blood physiology of juvenile bonefish (Albula vulpes)?
P Szekeres, ADM Wilson, CR Haak, AJ Danylchuk, JW Brownscombe, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 93 (2), 491-505, 2017
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Articles 1–20