R. Thora Bjornsdottir
Cited by
Cited by
The Visibility of Social Class from Facial Cues
RT Bjornsdottir, NO Rule
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 113 (4), 530-546, 2017
Subtle Perceptions of Male Sexual Orientation Influence Occupational Opportunities
NO Rule, RT Bjornsdottir, KO Tskhay, N Ambady
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (12), 1687, 2016
The Perceptive Proletarian: Subjective Social Class Predicts Interpersonal Accuracy
RT Bjornsdottir, R Alaei, NO Rule
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 41, 185-201, 2017
On the relationship between acculturation and intercultural understanding: Insight from the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test
RT Bjornsdottir, NO Rule
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 52, 39-48, 2016
Emotion and Gender Typicality Cue Sexual Orientation Differently in Women and Men
RT Bjornsdottir, NO Rule
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49, 2547–2560, 2020
Negative Emotion and Perceived Social Class
RT Bjornsdottir, NO Rule
Emotion 20 (6), 1031-1041, 2020
Cultural Differences in Perceiving and Processing Emotions: A Holistic Approach to Person Perception
RT Bjornsdottir, KO Tskhay, K Ishii, NO Rule
Culture and Brain 5, 105-124, 2017
Perceiving acculturation from neutral and emotional faces.
RT Bjornsdottir, NO Rule
Emotion 21 (4), 720–729, 2021
Consensus enables accurate social judgments
RT Bjornsdottir, E Hehman, LJ Human
Social Psychological and Personality Science 13 (6), 1010-1021, 2022
Emotional Expressions Support the Communication of Social Groups: A Pragmatic Extension of Affective Pragmatics
RT Bjornsdottir, NO Rule
Psychological Inquiry 28 (2-3), 186-189, 2017
Are they refugees or economic migrants?’ The effect of asylum seekers’ motivation to migrate on intentions to help them.
E Bilgen, H Zagefka, RT Bjornsdottir, Y Abayhan
Journal of Applied Social Psychology,, 2023
Beyond categories: Perceiving sexual attraction from faces
RT Bjornsdottir, D Cheso, NO Rule
British Journal of Psychology 13 (1), 226-247, 2022
Cultural Neuroscience
RT Bjornsdottir, NO Rule
Advances in Culturally-Aware Intelligent Systems and in Cross-Cultural …, 2018
Social class perception is driven by stereotype-related facial features.
RT Bjornsdottir, LB Hensel, J Zhan, OGB Garrod, PG Schyns, RE Jack
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2024
Stereotypes Bias Social Class Perception from Faces: The Roles of Race, Gender, Affect, and Attractiveness
RT Bjornsdottir, E Beacon
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218241230469, 2024
Parsing the mechanisms underlying ingroup facial resemblance
RT Bjornsdottir, E Hehman, D Agboh, NO Rule
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 48 (5), 782-792, 2022
Social trait perception is structured by a latent composition of 3D face features
LB Hensel, J Zhan, RT Bjornsdottir, OGB Garrod, PG Schyns, RE Jack
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 1365-1365, 2020
Investigating the pervasiveness of social class cues in the face
RT Bjornsdottir
University of Toronto (Canada), 2019
When words become borders: Ingroup favoritism in perceptions and mental representations of Anglo-Canadian and Franco-Canadian faces
RT Bjornsdottir, S Yeretsian, GL West, NO Rule
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 22 (7), 1021-1038, 2019
Unity in diversity: Exploring the effect of oneness with humanity on the willingness to donate to Syrian and Ukrainian refugees
E Bilgen, H Zagefka, RT Bjornsdottir
Personality and Individual Differences 222, 112591, 2024
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Articles 1–20