Towards optimizing riparian buffer zones: Ecological and biogeochemical implications for forest management L Kuglerová, A Ĺgren, R Jansson, H Laudon Forest Ecology and Management 334, 74-84, 2014 | 225 | 2014 |
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt P Haase, DE Bowler, NJ Baker, N Bonada, S Domisch, ... Nature 620 (7974), 582-588, 2023 | 145 | 2023 |
Groundwater discharge creates hotspots of riparian plant species richness in a boreal forest stream network L Kuglerová, R Jansson, A Ĺgren, H Laudon, B Malm-Renöfält Ecology 95 (3), 715-725, 2014 | 124 | 2014 |
Hydrological effects of clear-cutting in a boreal forest–Snowpack dynamics, snowmelt and streamflow responses J Schelker, L Kuglerová, K Eklöf, K Bishop, H Laudon Journal of Hydrology 484, 105-114, 2013 | 108 | 2013 |
The role of biogeochemical hotspots, landscape heterogeneity, and hydrological connectivity for minimizing forestry effects on water quality H Laudon, L Kuglerová, RA Sponseller, M Futter, A Nordin, K Bishop, ... Ambio 45, 152-162, 2016 | 90 | 2016 |
Northern landscapes in transition: Evidence, approach and ways forward using the Krycklan Catchment Study H Laudon, EM Hasselquist, M Peichl, K Lindgren, R Sponseller, F Lidman, ... Hydrological Processes 35 (4), e14170, 2021 | 88 | 2021 |
Local and regional processes determine plant species richness in a river‐network metacommunity L Kuglerová, R Jansson, RA Sponseller, H Laudon, B Malm-Renöfält Ecology 96 (2), 381-391, 2015 | 85 | 2015 |
Cost of riparian buffer zones: A comparison of hydrologically adapted site‐specific riparian buffers with traditional fixed widths T Tiwari, J Lundström, L Kuglerová, H Laudon, K Öhman, AM Ĺgren Water Resources Research 52 (2), 1056-1069, 2016 | 81 | 2016 |
Boreal riparian vegetation under climate change C Nilsson, R Jansson, L Kuglerová, L Lind, L Ström Ecosystems 16, 401-410, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Cutting edge: A comparison of contemporary practices of riparian buffer retention around small streams in Canada, Finland, and Sweden L Kuglerová, J Jyväsjärvi, C Ruffing, T Muotka, A Jonsson, E Andersson, ... Water Resources Research 56 (9), e2019WR026381, 2020 | 71 | 2020 |
Evaluating topography‐based predictions of shallow lateral groundwater discharge zones for a boreal lake‐stream system JA Leach, W Lidberg, L Kuglerová, A Peralta‐Tapia, A Ĺgren, H Laudon Water Resources Research 53 (7), 5420-5437, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
Management perspectives on Aqua incognita: Connectivity and cumulative effects of small natural and artificial streams in boreal forests. L Kuglerová, EM Hasselquist, JS Richardson, RA Sponseller, ... Hydrological Processes 31 (23), 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
Does leaf litter from invasive plants contribute the same support of a stream ecosystem function as native vegetation? L Kuglerová, L García, I Pardo, Y Mottiar, JS Richardson Ecosphere 8 (4), e01779, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Relationships between plant assemblages and water flow across a boreal forest landscape: a comparison of liverworts, mosses, and vascular plants L Kuglerová, M Dynesius, H Laudon, R Jansson Ecosystems 19, 170-184, 2016 | 42 | 2016 |
Are dissolved organic carbon concentrations in riparian groundwater linked to hydrological pathways in the boreal forest? SW Ploum, H Laudon, A Peralta-Tapia, L Kuglerová Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (4), 1709-1720, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Moving towards multi-layered, mixed-species forests in riparian buffers will enhance their long-term function in boreal landscapes EM Hasselquist, L Kuglerová, J Sjögren, J Hjältén, E Ring, RA Sponseller, ... Forest Ecology and Management 493, 119254, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Thermal detection of discrete riparian inflow points (DRIPs) during contrasting hydrological events. SW Ploum, JA Leach, L Kuglerová, H Laudon Hydrological Processes 32 (19), 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
Multiple stressors in small streams in the forestry context of Fennoscandia: The effects in time and space L Kuglerová, EM Hasselquist, RA Sponseller, T Muotka, G Hallsby, ... Science of the Total Environment 756, 143521, 2021 | 27 | 2021 |
Hydrological and thermal controls of ice formation in 25 boreal stream reaches L Lind, K Alfredsen, L Kuglerová, C Nilsson Journal of Hydrology 540, 797-811, 2016 | 25 | 2016 |
Multi-decadal improvements in the ecological quality of European rivers are not consistently reflected in biodiversity metrics JS Sinclair, EAR Welti, F Altermatt, M Álvarez-Cabria, J Aroviita, NJ Baker, ... Nature ecology & evolution 8 (3), 430-441, 2024 | 19 | 2024 |