Arn Keeling
Cited by
Cited by
Environmental justice goes underground? Historical notes from Canada's northern mining frontier
A Keeling, J Sandlos
Environmental Justice 2 (3), 117-125, 2009
Indigenous peoples' relationships to large-scale mining in post/colonial contexts: Toward multidisciplinary comparative perspectives
LS Horowitz, A Keeling, F Lévesque, T Rodon, S Schott, S Thériault
Mining and Indigenous Livelihoods, 109-136, 2024
Aboriginal communities, traditional knowledge, and the environmental legacies of extractive development in Canada
J Sandlos, A Keeling
The Extractive Industries and Society 3 (2), 278-287, 2016
Mining and Communities in Northern Canada: History, Politics, and Memory
A Keeling, J Sandlos
University of Calgary Press, 2015
Rethinking remediation: Mine reclamation, environmental justice, and relations of care
C Beckett, A Keeling
Local Environment 24 (3), 216-230, 2019
Toxic legacies, slow violence, and environmental injustice at Giant Mine, Northwest Territories
J Sandlos, A Keeling
Northern Review, 7–21-7–21, 2016
Claiming the new north: development and colonialism at the Pine Point mine, Northwest Territories, Canada
J Sandloss, A Keeling
Environment and History 18 (1), 5-34, 2012
‘Born in an atomic test tube’: landscapes of cyclonic development at Uranium City, Saskatchewan
A Keeling
The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 54 (2), 228-252, 2010
Ghost towns and zombie mines: The historical dimensions of mine abandonment, reclamation, and redevelopment in the Canadian North
A Keeling, J Sandlos
University of Calgary Press, 2017
“That’s where our future came from”: Mining, landscape, and memory in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut
T Cater, A Keeling
Études/Inuit/Studies 37 (2), 59-82, 2013
Planning for social and community-engaged closure: A comparison of mine closure plans from Canada's territorial and provincial North
M Monosky, A Keeling
Journal of Environmental Management 277, 111324, 2021
From cutlines to traplines: Post-industrial land use at the Pine Point mine
E LeClerc, A Keeling
The Extractive Industries and Society 2, 7-18, 2015
Sink or Swim: water pollution and environmental politics in Vancouver, 1889-1975
A Keeling
BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly, 69-101, 2004
Zombie Mines and the (Over) burden of History
J Sandlos, A Keeling
The solutions journal 4 (3), 2013
Urban waste sinks as a natural resource: The case of the Fraser river
A Keeling
Urban History Review/Revue d'histoire urbaine 34 (1), 58-70, 2005
Introduction: Critical perspectives on extractive industries in Northern Canada
A Keeling, J Sandlos
The Extractive Industries and Society 3 (2), 265-268, 2016
Giant mine: historical summary
J Sandlos, A Keeling
Memorial University, 2015
Indigenous communities and the mental health impacts of land dispossession related to industrial resource development: a systematic review
MEM Ninomiya, N Burns, NJ Pollock, NTG Green, J Martin, J Linton, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 7 (6), e501-e517, 2023
J Lepawsky, M Liboiron, A Keeling, C Mather
Continent 6 (1), 56-61, 2017
“We are scholars”: Using teamwork and problem-based learning in a Canadian regional geography course
A Keeling
MountainRise 4 (3), 1-13, 2008
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Articles 1–20