Rebecca Englert
Rebecca Englert
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Kiel University
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Cited by
How to recognize crescentic bedforms formed by supercritical turbidity currents in the geologic record: Insights from active submarine channels
S Hage, MJB Cartigny, MA Clare, EJ Sumner, D Vendettuoli, JEH Clarke, ...
Geology 46 (6), 563-566, 2018
Tectonically controlled initiation of contemporaneous deep‐water channel systems along a Late Cretaceous continental margin, western British Columbia, Canada
RG Englert, SM Hubbard, DS Coutts, WA Matthews
Sedimentology 65 (7), 2404-2438, 2018
Along-strike variations in sediment provenance within the Nanaimo basin reveal mechanisms of forearc basin sediment influx events
DS Coutts, WA Matthews, RG Englert, MD Brooks, MP Boivin, ...
Lithosphere 12 (1), 180-197, 2020
Quantifying the three‐dimensional stratigraphic expression of cyclic steps by integrating seafloor and deep‐water outcrop observations
RG Englert, SM Hubbard, MJB Cartigny, MA Clare, DS Coutts, S Hage, ...
Sedimentology 68 (4), 1465-1501, 2021
The evolution of submarine slope-channel systems: Timing of incision, bypass, and aggradation in Late Cretaceous Nanaimo Group channel-system strata, British Columbia, Canada
RG Englert, SM Hubbard, WA Matthews, DS Coutts, JA Covault
Geosphere 16 (1), 281-296, 2020
Digital re‐evaluation of down‐dip channel‐fill architecture in deep‐water slope deposits: Multi‐scale perspectives from UAV‐SfM
PR Nesbit, SM Hubbard, BG Daniels, D Bell, RG Englert, CH Hugenholtz
The Depositional Record 7 (3), 480-499, 2021
High rates of organic carbon burial in submarine deltas maintained on geological timescales
S Hage, BW Romans, TGE Peploe, M Poyatos-Moré, O Haeri Ardakani, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (11), 919-924, 2022
Quantifying eroded sediment volume during drumlin formation in Simcoe County
RG Englert, RC Ingram, LI Madronich, KM Maloney, KB Moor, KC Rooney, ...
Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and …, 2015
Controls on upstream-migrating bed forms in sandy submarine channels
RG Englert, AJ Vellinga, MJB Cartigny, MA Clare, JT Eggenhuisen, ...
Geology 51 (12), 1137-1142, 2023
Extreme erosion and bulking in a giant submarine gravity flow
C Böttner, CJ Stevenson, R Englert, M Schönke, BT Pandolpho, ...
Science Advances 10 (34), eadp2584, 2024
The development of channel surfaces in slope depositional systems: highly diachronous records of erosion, sediment bypass and deposition
S Hubbard, J Covault
2016 Gussow Conference, Abstracts. Calgary, Canadian Society of Petroleum …, 2016
Dissecting 20 million years of deep-water forearc sediment routing using an integrated basin-wide Bayesian chronostratigraphic framework
D Coutts, S Hubbard, R Englert, P Ward, W Matthews
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2024
Controls on the timing and evolution of deep-water sedimentation in the Late Cretaceous Nanaimo Basin, British Columbia, Canada
RG Englert
Flow dynamics as Froude‐supercritical turbidity currents encounter metre‐scale slope minibasin topography
RG Englert, SM Hubbard, BW Romans, S Kaempfe, D Bell, PR Nesbit, ...
The Depositional Record 10 (5), 527-558, 2024
Deciphering the origin of sediment waves along the Northwest African margin through multidisciplinary analysis
R Englert, C Boettner, P Brandt, M Cartigny, H Huang, G Krahmann, ...
EGU24, 2024
The ignition and evolution of a giant submarine gravity flow
C Böttner, C Stevenson, R Englert, M Schӧnke, J Geersen, B Pandolpho, ...
Research Square preprint deposition service, 2023
An integrated investigation of Froude-supercritical turbidity current dynamics and products in deep-water slope systems
RG Englert
Migrating knickpoints are primary morphodynamic agents in submarine channels that control deep-water stratigraphy
SM Hubbard, MS Heijnen, M Cartigny, MA Clare, JT Eggenhuisen, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, EP12A-02, 2019
a Metasedimentary Origin for Mojave-Sonoran Derived Detritus in the Nanaimo Basin (bc) and Implications for Kula-Farallon Spreading
DS Coutts, WA Matthews, MP Boivin, RG Englert, SM Hubbard
Geological Society of America Abstracts 51, 329450, 2019
Considerations for the Calculation of U-Pb Detrital Zircon Maximum Depositional Ages: Insights from Cretaceous Forearc and Foreland Basins in North and South America
WA Matthews, DS Coutts, BG Daniels, SC Super, RG Englert, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts 51, 341094, 2019
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Articles 1–20