Bonacic C
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Cited by
Globalization of conservation: a view from the south
JP Rodríguez, AB Taber, P Daszak, R Sukumar, C Valladares-Padua, ...
Science 317 (5839), 755-756, 2007
Disparate phylogeographic patterns of molecular genetic variation in four closely related South American small cat species
WE Johnson, JP Slattery, E Eizirik, JH Kim, M Menotti Raymond, ...
Molecular Ecology 8, S79-S94, 1999
Sistemática, taxonomía y domesticación de alpacas y llamas: nueva evidencia cromosómica y molecular
JC Marín, B Zapata, BA González, C Bonacic, JC Wheeler, C Casey, ...
Revista chilena de historia natural 80 (2), 121-140, 2007
The influence of building density on Neotropical bird communities found in small urban parks
JD Amaya-Espinel, M Hostetler, C Henríquez, C Bonacic
Landscape and Urban Planning 190, 103578, 2019
Invasive American mink Mustela vison in wetlands of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, southern Chile: what are they eating?
JÉTA Ibarra, L Fasola, DW Macdonald, R Rozzi, CA Bonacic
Oryx 43 (1), 87-90, 2009
Forest cover outside protected areas plays an important role in the conservation of the Vulnerable guiña Leopardus guigna
N Gálvez, F Hernández, J Laker, H Gilabert, R Petitpas, C Bonacic, ...
Oryx 47 (2), 251-258, 2013
The conservation value of tree decay processes as a key driver structuring tree cavity nest webs in South American temperate rainforests
TA Altamirano, JT Ibarra, K Martin, C Bonacic
Biodiversity and conservation 26, 2453-2472, 2017
Striving to manage Patagonia guanacos
WL Franklin, M Fernando Bas, CF Bonacic, C Cunazza, N Soto
Wildlife Society Bulletin 25 (1), 65-73, 1997
Non‐lethal defense of livestock against predators: flashing lights deter puma attacks in Chile
O Ohrens, C Bonacic, A Treves
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (1), 32-38, 2019
Climate change and animal diseases in South America
J Pinto, C Bonacic, C Hamilton-West, J Romero, J Lubroth
Rev Sci Tech 27 (2), 599-613, 2008
Mitochondrial DNA Variation and Systematics of the Guanaco (Lama guanicoe, Artiodactyla: Camelidae)
JC Marín, AE Spotorno, BA González, C Bonacic, JC Wheeler, CS Casey, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 89 (2), 269-281, 2008
Hábitos de nidificación de las aves del bosque templado andino de Chile
TA Altamirano, JT Ibarra, F Hernández, I Rojas, J Laker, C Bonacic
Tomás Altamirano, 2012
Darwin’s fox: a distinct endangered species in a vanishing habitat
CJ Yahnke, WE Johnson, E Geffen, D Smith, F Hertel, MS Roy, ...
Conservation Biology 10 (2), 366-375, 1996
Conservation challenges for the Austral and Neotropical America section
G Ceballos, MM Vale, C Bonacic, J CALVO‐ALVARADO, R List, N Bynum, ...
Conservation biology 23 (4), 811-817, 2009
Capture of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) for sustainable use: Animal welfare implications
C Bonacic, RE Feber, DW Macdonald
Biological Conservation 129 (4), 543-550, 2006
Características biológicas y productivas de los camélidos sudamericanos.
C Bonacic
Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias 6 (2), 1991
Behavioural and physiological consequences of capture for shearing of vicuñas in Argentina
Y Arzamendia, C Bonacic, B Vilá
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 125 (3-4), 163-170, 2010
Relationship between rural depopulation and puma-human conflict in the high Andes of Chile
O Ohrens, A Treves, C Bonacic
Environmental Conservation 43 (1), 24-33, 2016
Response of mesocarnivores to anthropogenic landscape intensification: activity patterns and guild temporal interactions
N Gálvez, P Meniconi, J Infante, C Bonacic
Journal of Mammalogy 102 (4), 1149-1164, 2021
Phylogeography and subspecies assessment of vicuñas in Chile and Bolivia utilizing mtDNA and microsatellite markers: implications for vicuña conservation and management
RJ Sarno, L Villalba, C Bonacic, B Gonzalez, B Zapata, DW Mac Donald, ...
Conservation Genetics 5, 89-102, 2004
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