Valerie Preston
Valerie Preston
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Cited by
Spatial mismatch and labor market segmentation for African-American and Latina women
S McLafferty, V Preston
Economic geography 68 (4), 406-431, 1992
Planning in the multicultural city: Celebrating diversity or reinforcing difference?
R Fincher, K Iveson, H Leitner, V Preston
Progress in Planning 92, 1-55, 2014
Spatial mismatch research in the 1990s: progress and potential
V Preston, S McLafferty
Papers in regional science 78, 387-402, 1999
Transnationalism through the life course: Hong Kong immigrants in Canada
A Kobayashi, V Preston
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 48 (2), 151-167, 2007
Gender, race, and commuting among service sector workers
S McLafferty, V Preston
The Professional Geographer 43 (1), 1-15, 1991
Spatial mismatch and employment in a decade of restructuring
S McLafferty, V Preston
The Professional Geographer 48 (4), 420-431, 1996
At the temporary–permanent divide: How Canada produces temporariness and makes citizens through its security, work, and settlement policies
D Rajkumar, L Berkowitz, LF Vosko, V Preston, R Latham
Citizenship Studies 16 (3-4), 483-510, 2012
Gender, immigration and labour market integration: Where we are and what we still need to know
E Tastsoglou, V Preston
Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice 30 (1), 46-59, 2005
The impact of family status on black, white, and Hispanic women's commuting
V Preston, S McLafferty, E Hamilton
Urban geography 14 (3), 228-250, 1993
Questionnaire survey
V Preston
Elsevier, 2020
Immigrants and homelessness—at risk in Canada's outer suburbs
V Preston, R Murdie, J Wedlock, S Agrawal, U Anucha, S D'ADDARIO, ...
The Canadian Geographer/le géographe canadien 53 (3), 288-304, 2009
Asian theme malls in suburban Toronto: Land use conflict in Richmond Hill [Canadian urban landscape examples, 21]
V Preston, L Lo
Canadian Geographer 44 (2), 182, 2000
Revisiting gender, race, and commuting in New York
V Preston, S McLafferty
Geographies of Mobility, 58-68, 2018
Transnationalism, gender, and civic participation: Canadian case studies of Hong Kong immigrants
V Preston, A Kobayashi, G Man
Environment and Planning A 38 (9), 1633-1651, 2006
Geographical barriers to employment for American-born and immigrant workers
V Preston, S McLafferty, XF Liu
Urban Studies 35 (3), 529-545, 1998
Adjustment to natural and technological hazards: A study of an urban residential community
V Preston, SM Taylor, DC Hodge
Environment and Behavior 15 (2), 143-164, 1983
Employment experiences of Chinese immigrant women: An exploration of diversity
G Man, V Preston
Canadian Woman Studies/Les cahiers de la femme, 1999
Geographies of discrimination: Variations in perceived discomfort and discrimination in Canada's gateway cities
B Ray, V Preston
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 7 (3), 228-249, 2009
Liberating temporariness?: Migration, work, and citizenship in an age of insecurity
LF Vosko, V Preston, R Latham
McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP, 2014
Immigrants’ economic status in Toronto: Stories of triumph and disappointment
V Preston, L Lo, S Wang
The world in a city, 192-262, 2003
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Articles 1–20