Patrick A. Leighton
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Cited by
Predicting the speed of tick invasion: an empirical model of range expansion for the Lyme disease vector Ixodes scapularis in Canada
PA Leighton, JK Koffi, Y Pelcat, LR Lindsay, NH Ogden
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (2), 457-464, 2012
Climate change and infectious diseases: The challenges: N increased risk of tick-borne diseases with climate and environmental changes
C Bouchard, A Dibernardo, J Koffi, H Wood, PA Leighton, LR Lindsay
Canada Communicable Disease Report 45 (4), 83, 2019
Estimated Effects of Projected Climate Change on the Basic Reproductive Number of the Lyme Disease Vector Ixodes scapularis
NH Ogden, M Radojevic, X Wu, VR Duvvuri, PA Leighton, J Wu
Environmental health perspectives 122 (6), 631-638, 2014
Climate change and habitat fragmentation drive the occurrence of Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease, at the northeastern limit of its distribution
JA Simon, RR Marrotte, N Desrosiers, J Fiset, J Gaitan, A Gonzalez, ...
Evolutionary Applications 7 (7), 750-764, 2014
Northward range expansion of Ixodes scapularis evident over a short timescale in Ontario, Canada
KM Clow, PA Leighton, NH Ogden, LR Lindsay, P Michel, DL Pearl, ...
PloS one 12 (12), e0189393, 2017
Predicting the rate of invasion of the agent of Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi
NH Ogden, LR Lindsay, PA Leighton
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (2), 510-518, 2013
Geography, deer, and host biodiversity shape the pattern of Lyme disease emergence in the Thousand Islands Archipelago of Ontario, Canada
L Werden, IK Barker, J Bowman, EK Gonzales, PA Leighton, LR Lindsay, ...
PLoS One 9 (1), e85640, 2014
Passive Surveillance for I. scapularis Ticks: Enhanced Analysis for Early Detection of Emerging Lyme Disease Risk
JK Koffi, PA Leighton, Y Pelcat, L Trudel, LR Lindsay, F Milord, NH Ogden
Journal of medical entomology 49 (2), 400-409, 2012
Conservation and the scarecrow effect: Can human activity benefit threatened species by displacing predators?
PA Leighton, JA Horrocks, DL Kramer
Biological conservation 143 (9), 2156-2163, 2010
Passive tick surveillance provides an accurate early signal of emerging Lyme disease risk and human cases in southern Canada
M Ripoche, S Gasmi, A Adam-Poupart, JK Koffi, LR Lindsay, A Ludwig, ...
Journal of Medical Entomology 55 (4), 1016-1026, 2018
High-Resolution Ecological Niche Modeling of Ixodes scapularis Ticks Based on Passive Surveillance Data at the Northern Frontier of Lyme Disease Emergence in …
JPR Soucy, AM Slatculescu, C Nyiraneza, NH Ogden, PA Leighton, ...
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 18 (5), 235-242, 2018
What is the real number of Lyme disease cases in Canada?
NH Ogden, C Bouchard, J Badcock, MA Drebot, SP Elias, TF Hatchette, ...
BMC Public Health 19, 1-12, 2019
Does high biodiversity reduce the risk of Lyme disease invasion?
C Bouchard, G Beauchamp, PA Leighton, R Lindsay, D Bélanger, ...
Parasites & Vectors 6, 1-10, 2013
Evidence for increasing densities and geographic ranges of tick species of public health significance other than Ixodes scapularis in Québec, Canada
S Gasmi, C Bouchard, NH Ogden, A Adam-Poupart, Y Pelcat, EE Rees, ...
PLoS One 13 (8), e0201924, 2018
Harvested White-Tailed Deer as Sentinel Hosts for Early Establishing Ixodes scapularis Populations and Risk From Vector-Borne Zoonoses in Southeastern Canada
C Bouchard, PA Leighton, G Beauchamp, S Nguon, L Trudel, F Milord, ...
Journal of Medical Entomology 50 (2), 384-393, 2013
Predicting nest survival in sea turtles: when and where are eggs most vulnerable to predation?
PA Leighton, JA Horrocks, DL Kramer
Animal Conservation 14 (2), 186-195, 2011
Analysis of the human population bitten by Ixodes scapularis ticks in Quebec, Canada: Increasing risk of Lyme disease
S Gasmi, NH Ogden, PA Leighton, LR Lindsay, K Thivierge
Ticks and tick-borne diseases 7 (6), 1075-1081, 2016
Integrated social-behavioral and ecological risk maps to prioritize local public health responses to Lyme disease
C Bouchard, C Aenishaenslin, EE Rees, JK Koffi, Y Pelcat, M Ripoche, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 126 (4), 047008, 2018
Predicting species interactions from edge responses: mongoose predation on hawksbill sea turtle nests in fragmented beach habitat
PA Leighton, JA Horrocks, BH Krueger, JA Beggs, DL Kramer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1650), 2465-2472, 2008
Sentinel surveillance of Lyme disease risk in Canada, 2019: Results from the first year of the Canadian Lyme Sentinel Network (CaLSeN)
C Guillot, J Badcock, K Clow, J Cram, S Dergousoff, A Dibernardo, ...
CCDR 46 (10), 2020
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Articles 1–20