Dheva Setiaputra
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Cited by
The shieldin complex mediates 53BP1-dependent DNA repair
SM Noordermeer, S Adam, D Setiaputra, M Barazas, SJ Pettitt, AK Ling, ...
Nature 560 (7716), 117, 2018
Shieldin–the protector of DNA ends
D Setiaputra, D Durocher
EMBO reports 20 (5), 2019
Endogenous DNA 3′ blocks are vulnerabilities for BRCA1 and BRCA2 deficiency and are reversed by the APE2 nuclease
A Álvarez-Quilón, JL Wojtaszek, MC Mathieu, T Patel, CD Appel, ...
Molecular Cell 78 (6), 1152-1165. e8, 2020
Structure of EspB from the ESX-1 Type VII Secretion System and Insights into its Export Mechanism
M Solomonson, D Setiaputra, KAT Makepeace, E Lameignere, ...
Structure 23 (3), 571-583, 2015
The CIP2A–TOPBP1 axis safeguards chromosome stability and is a synthetic lethal target for BRCA-mutated cancer
S Adam, SE Rossi, N Moatti, M De Marco Zompit, Y Xue, TF Ng, ...
Nature Cancer, 1-15, 2021
Control of homologous recombination by the HROB–MCM8–MCM9 pathway
N Hustedt, Y Saito, M Zimmermann, A Álvarez-Quilón, D Setiaputra, ...
Genes & development 33 (19-20), 1397-1415, 2019
Conformational flexibility and subunit arrangement of the modular yeast Spt-Ada-Gcn5 Acetyltransferase complex
D Setiaputra, JD Ross, S Lu, DT Cheng, MQ Dong, CK Yip
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (16), 10057-10070, 2015
Structural characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae autophagy regulatory complex Atg17-Atg31-Atg29
LH Chew, D Setiaputra, DJ Klionsky, CK Yip
Autophagy 9 (10), 1467-1474, 2013
Molecular architecture of the yeast Elongator complex reveals an unexpected asymmetric subunit arrangement
DT Setiaputra, DTH Cheng, S Lu, JM Hansen, U Dalwadi, CHY Lam, ...
EMBO reports, e201642548, 2016
Molecular Architecture of Yeast Chromatin Assembly Factor 1
D Kim, D Setiaputra, T Jung, J Chung, A Leitner, J Yoon, R Aebersold, ...
Scientific reports 6, 2016
RIF1 acts in DNA repair through phosphopeptide recognition of 53BP1
D Setiaputra, C Escribano-Diaz, JK Reinert, P Sadana, D Zong, E Callen, ...
Molecular Cell, 2022
Molecular architecture of the essential yeast histone acetyltransferase complex NuA4 redefines its multi-modularity
D Setiaputra, S Ahmad, U Dalwadi, AL Steunou, S Lu, JD Ross, MQ Dong, ...
Molecular and cellular biology, MCB. 00570-17, 2018
A substrate binding model for the KEOPS tRNA modifying complex
J Beenstock, SM Ona, J Porat, S Orlicky, LCK Wan, DF Ceccarelli, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-17, 2020
Cog-Wheel Octameric Structure of RS1, the Discoidin Domain Containing Retinal Protein Associated with X-Linked Retinoschisis.
M Bush, D Setiaputra, CK Yip, RS Molday
PloS one 11 (1), e0147653, 2016
EscE and EscG Are cochaperones for the type III needle protein EscF of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
N Sal-Man, D Setiaputra, R Scholz, W Deng, CY Angel, NCJ Strynadka, ...
Journal of bacteriology 195 (11), 2481-2489, 2013
An AlphaFold2 map of the 53BP1 pathway identifies a direct SHLD3–RIF1 interaction critical for shieldin activity
C Sifri, L Hoeg, D Durocher, D Setiaputra
EMBO reports, e56834, 2023
Genome-scale mapping of DNA damage suppressors through phenotypic CRISPR-Cas9 screens
Y Zhao, D Tabet, DR Contreras, L Lao, AN Kousholt, J Weile, H Melo, ...
Molecular Cell, 2023
Unusual pairing between assistants: Interaction of the twin-arginine system-specific chaperone DmsD with the chaperonin GroEL
CS Chan, X Song, SJS Qazi, D Setiaputra, CK Yip, TC Chao, RJ Turner
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 456 (4), 841-846, 2015
Characterizing the molecular architectures of chromatin-modifying complexes
DT Setiaputra, CK Yip
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics, 2017
A balancing act: interactions within NuA4/TIP60 regulate picNuA4 function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and humans
PYT Lu, AC Kirlin, MJ Aristizabal, HT Brewis, N Lévesque, DT Setiaputra, ...
Genetics 222 (3), iyac136, 2022
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Articles 1–20