Robin Canuel
Robin Canuel
University Librarian, Lakehead University Library
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Canadian academic libraries and the mobile web
R Canuel, C Crichton
New Library World 112 (3/4), 107-120, 2011
A survey of online library tutorials: Guiding instructional video creation to use in flipped classrooms
A Obradovich, R Canuel, EP Duffy
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 41 (6), 751-757, 2015
Leveraging apps for research and learning: A survey of Canadian academic libraries
R Canuel, C Crichton
Library Hi Tech 33 (1), 2-14, 2015
Tailoring information literacy instruction and library services for continuing education
J Lange, R Canuel, M Fitzgibbons
Journal of Information Literacy 5 (2), 66-80, 2011
Tablets as powerful tools for university research: Teaching the relevant skills
R Canuel, C Crichton, M Savova
Library Technology Reports 48 (8), 35-41, 2012
Supporting the dissemination of undergraduate research: An emerging role for academic librarians
J Jones, R Canuel
Proceedings of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 538-545, 2013
Apps for academic success: Developing digital literacy and awareness to increase usage
R Canuel, E MacKenzie, A Senior, N Torabi
Education for Information 33 (3), 135-152, 2017
Approaches to liaison librarianship: Innovations in organization and engagement
R Canuel, C Crichton, ( Eds.)
Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries., 2021
Mobile technology and academic libraries: Innovative services for research and learning
R Canuel, C Crichton, ( Eds.)
Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries., 2017
Developing and assessing a graduate student reference service
R Canuel, S Hervieux, V Bergsten, A Brault, R Burke
Reference Services Review 47 (4), 527-543, 2019
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Articles 1–10