Rivka Levitan
Rivka Levitan
Brooklyn College CUNY
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Measuring acoustic-prosodic entrainment with respect to multiple levels and dimensions
R Levitan, JB Hirschberg
Acoustic-prosodic entrainment and social behavior
R Levitan, A Gravano, L Willson, Š Beňuš, J Hirschberg, A Nenkova
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2012
Entrainment in speech preceding backchannels.
R Levitan, A Gravano, J Hirschberg
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2011
Speech vs. text: A comparative analysis of features for depression detection systems
MR Morales, R Levitan
2016 IEEE spoken language technology workshop (SLT), 136-143, 2016
Implementing Acoustic-Prosodic Entrainment in a Conversational Avatar.
R Levitan, S Benus, RH Gálvez, A Gravano, F Savoretti, M Trnka, A Weise, ...
Interspeech 16, 1166-1170, 2016
A cross-modal review of indicators for depression detection systems
M Morales, S Scherer, R Levitan
Proceedings of the fourth workshop on computational linguistics and clinical …, 2017
Acoustic and prosodic correlates of social behavior
A Gravano, R Levitan, L Willson, Š Beňuš, JB Hirschberg, A Nenkova
Entrainment and turn-taking in human-human dialogue
R Levitan, S Benus, A Gravano, J Hirschberg
AAAI 2015 Spring Symposium on Turn-taking and Coordination in Human-Machine …, 2015
Acoustic-prosodic entrainment in human-human and human-computer dialogue
R Levitan
Columbia University, 2014
Acoustic-prosodic entrainment in Slovak, Spanish, English and Chinese: A cross-linguistic comparison
R Levitan, Š Beňuš, A Gravano, J Hirschberg
Proceedings of the 16th annual meeting of the special interest group on …, 2015
Looking for structure in lexical and acoustic-prosodic entrainment behaviors
A Weise, R Levitan
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2018
Individual differences in acoustic-prosodic entrainment in spoken dialogue
A Weise, SI Levitan, J Hirschberg, R Levitan
Speech Communication 115, 78-87, 2019
Deep Personality Recognition for Deception Detection.
G An, SI Levitan, J Hirschberg, R Levitan
INTERSPEECH, 421-425, 2018
Entrainment, dominance and alliance in supreme court hearings
Š Beňuš, A Gravano, R Levitan, SI Levitan, L Willson, J Hirschberg
Knowledge-Based Systems 71, 3-14, 2014
Identifying individual differences in gender, ethnicity, and personality from dialogue for deception detection
SI Levitan, Y Levitan, G An, M Levine, R Levitan, A Rosenberg, ...
Proceedings of the second workshop on computational approaches to deception …, 2016
Combining Acoustic-Prosodic, Lexical, and Phonotactic Features for Automatic Deception Detection.
SI Levitan, G An, M Ma, R Levitan, A Rosenberg, J Hirschberg
Interspeech, 2006-2010, 2016
Cross-language prominence detection
A Rosenberg, E Cooper, R Levitan, J Hirschberg
Speech Prosody 2012, 2012
A linguistically-informed fusion approach for multimodal depression detection
M Morales, S Scherer, R Levitan
proceedings of the fifth workshop on computational linguistics and clinical …, 2018
Lexical and acoustic deep learning model for personality recognition
G An, R Levitan
Interspeech, 2018
Prosodic entrainment and trust in human-computer interaction
RL Štefan Beňuš, Marian Trnka, Eduard Kuric, Lukáš Marták, Agustín Gravano ...
Speech Prosody, 2018
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Articles 1–20