Abhishek Gaur
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Cited by
Analysis and modelling of surface Urban Heat Island in 20 Canadian cities under climate and land-cover change
A Gaur, MK Eichenbaum, SP Simonovic
Journal of environmental management 206, 145-157, 2018
Climate data to undertake hygrothermal and whole building simulations under projected climate change influences for 11 Canadian cities
A Gaur, M Lacasse, M Armstrong
Data 4 (2), 72, 2019
Durability and climate change—Implications for service life prediction and the maintainability of buildings
MA Lacasse, A Gaur, TV Moore
Buildings 10 (3), 53, 2020
Nature-based solutions (nbss) to mitigate urban heat island (UHI) effects in Canadian cities
AT Hayes, Z Jandaghian, MA Lacasse, A Gaur, H Lu, A Laouadi, H Ge, ...
Buildings 12 (7), 925, 2022
Future changes in flood hazards across Canada under a changing climate
A Gaur, A Gaur, SP Simonovic
Water 10 (10), 1441, 2018
Web-based tool for the development of intensity duration frequency curves under changing climate at gauged and ungauged locations
A Schardong, SP Simonovic, A Gaur, D Sandink
Water 12 (5), 1243, 2020
Development of reference summer weather years for analysis of overheating risk in buildings
A Laouadi, A Gaur, MA Lacasse, M Bartko, M Armstrong
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 13 (3), 301-319, 2020
Evaluating thermal resilience of building designs using building performance simulation–A review of existing practices
CY Siu, W O'Brien, M Touchie, M Armstrong, A Laouadi, A Gaur, ...
Building and Environment 234, 110124, 2023
Added value of convection permitting climate modelling in urban overheating assessments
C Shu, A Gaur, LL Wang, M Bartko, A Laouadi, L Ji, M Lacasse
Building and Environment 207, 108415, 2022
Exploring the effects that a non-stationary climate and dynamic electricity grid mix has on whole building life cycle assessment: A multi-city comparison
F Jalaei, G Guest, A Gaur, J Zhang
Sustainable Cities and Society 61, 102294, 2020
Evaluating approaches of selecting extreme hot years for assessing building overheating conditions during heatwaves
L Ji, A Laouadi, C Shu, A Gaur, M Lacasse, LL Wang
Energy and Buildings 254, 111610, 2022
Flooding related consequences of climate change on Canadian cities and flow regulation infrastructure
A Gaur, A Gaur, D Yamazaki, SP Simonovic
Water 11 (1), 63, 2019
Assessment of future overheating conditions in Canadian cities using a reference year selection method
J Zou, A Gaur, LL Wang, A Laouadi, M Lacasse
Building and Environment 218, 109102, 2022
Towards Reducing Climate Change Impact Assessment Process Uncertainty
A Gaur, S Simonovic
Environmental Processes, 2015
Climate Data to Support the Adaptation of Buildings to Climate Change in Canada
A Gaur, M Lacasse
Data 7 (4), 42, 2022
Potential future changes in wildfire weather and behavior around 11 Canadian cities
A Gaur, N Benichou, M Armstrong, F Hill
Urban Climate 35, 100735, 2021
Effects of using different urban parametrization schemes and land-cover datasets on the accuracy of WRF model over the City of Ottawa
A Gaur, M Lacasse, M Armstrong, H Lu, C Shu, A Fields, FS Palou, ...
Urban Climate 35, 100737, 2021
Evolution of the local climate in Montreal and Ottawa before, during and after a heatwave and the effects on urban heat islands
C Shu, A Gaur, L Wang, MA Lacasse
Science of the Total Environment 890, 164497, 2023
Multiscale numerical assessment of urban overheating under climate projections: A review
J Zou, H Lu, C Shu, L Ji, A Gaur, LL Wang
Urban Climate 49, 101551, 2023
National Guide for Wildland-urban interface fires: guidance on hazard and exposure assessment, property protection, community resilience and emergency planning to minimize the …
N Bénichou, M Adelzadeh, J Singh, I Gomaa, N Elsagan, MT Kinateder, ...
National Research Council Canada, 2021
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Articles 1–20