Negin Salajegheh
Negin Salajegheh
Security Engineer, Netflix
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Adaptive observation of behavioral features on a mobile device
A Valencia, M Salajegheh, V Sridhara, M Christodorescu, R Gupta
US Patent 9,330,257, 2016
HYMAC: Hybrid TDMA/FDMA medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks
M Salajegheh, H Soroush, A Kalis
2007 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2007
Behavioral analysis to automate direct and indirect local monitoring of internet of things device health
R Gupta, M Salajegheh, M Christodorescu, V Sridhara, G Krishnamurthi
US Patent 9,979,606, 2018
Methods and systems for automated anonymous crowdsourcing of characterized device behaviors
M Salajegheh, M Mahmoudi, V Sridhara, M Christodorescu, GC Cascaval
US Patent 10,063,585, 2018
{TARDIS}: Time and remanence decay in {SRAM} to implement secure protocols on embedded devices without clocks
A Rahmati, M Salajegheh, D Holcomb, J Sorber, WP Burleson, K Fu
21st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 12), 221-236, 2012
Getting things done on computational RFIDs with energy-aware checkpointing and voltage-aware scheduling
B Ransford, S Clark, M Salajegheh, K Fu
Proceedings of the 2008 conference on Power aware computing and systems, 5-5, 2008
Methods and systems for behavioral analysis of mobile device behaviors based on user persona information
M Salajegheh, V Sridhara, Y Chen, R Gupta
US Patent 9,703,962, 2017
DRV-Fingerprinting: Using Data Retention Voltage of SRAM Cells for Chip Identification
DE Holcomb, A Rahmati, M Salajegheh, WP Burleson, K Fu
RFID Security and Privacy, 2012
Half-Wits: Software Techniques for Low-Voltage Probabilistic Storage on Microcontrollers with NOR Flash Memory
M Salajegheh, Y Wang, K Fu, AA Jiang, E Learned-Miller
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), Special Issue on …, 2013
Methods and systems for aggregated multi-application behavioral analysis of mobile device behaviors
M Salajegheh, Y Chen
US Patent 9,710,752, 2017
CCCP: Secure remote storage for computational RFIDs
M Salajegheh, S Clark, B Ransford, K Fu, A Juels
Proceedings of the 18th conference on USENIX security symposium, 215-230, 2009
Ekho: bridging the gap between simulation and reality in tiny energy-harvesting sensors
H Zhang, M Salajegheh, K Fu, J Sorber
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems, 9, 2011
Providing transparent security services to sensor networks
H Soroush, M Salajegheh, T Dimitriou
Communications, 2007. ICC'07. IEEE International Conference on, 3431-3436, 2007
HICCUPS: health information collaborative collection using privacy and security
AD Molina, M Salajegheh, K Fu
Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on Security and privacy in medical and …, 2009
PIFT: Predictive Information-Flow Tracking
MK Yoon, M Salajegheh, Y Chen, M Christodorescu
Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural …, 2016
System and method of performing online memory data collection for memory forensics in a computing device
M Salajegheh, SAK Gathala, SM Das, N Islam
US Patent App. 15/248,178, 2018
The house that knows you: User authentication based on iot data
T Ongun, A Oprea, C Nita-Rotaru, M Christodorescu, N Salajegheh
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2018
The future of iot security: special session
S Mohan, M Asplund, G Bloom, AR Sadeghi, A Ibrahim, N Salajageh, ...
International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), 2018
Automating customer service an internet of everything environment
M Salajegheh, V Sridhara, R Gupta
US Patent 10,846,705, 2020
Protecting global medical telemetry infrastructure
B Defend, M Salajegheh, K Fu, S Inoue
University of Massachusetts Amherst and Kyushu University, Trustees of …, 2008
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Articles 1–20