Paula Di Nota
Cited by
Cited by
Complex motor learning and police training: Applied, cognitive, and clinical perspectives
PM Di Nota, JM Huhta
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1797, 2019
Peer support and crisis-focused psychological interventions designed to mitigate post-traumatic stress injuries among public safety and frontline healthcare personnel: a …
GS Anderson, PM Di Nota, D Groll, RN Carleton
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (20), 7645, 2020
Reducing lethal force errors by modulating police physiology
JP Andersen, PM Di Nota, B Beston, EC Boychuk, H Gustafsberg, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 60 (10), 867-874, 2018
The impact of acute stress physiology on skilled motor performance: Implications for policing
GS Anderson, PM Di Nota, GAS Metz, JP Andersen
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2501, 2019
Mental disorders, suicidal ideation, plans and attempts among Canadian police
PM Di Nota, GS Anderson, R Ricciardelli, RN Carleton, D Groll
Occupational medicine 70 (3), 183-190, 2020
The Hermunculus: What Is Known about the Representation of the Female Body in the Brain?
PM Di Noto, L Newman, S Wall, G Einstein
Cerebral Cortex 23 (5), 1005-1013, 2013
Experience-dependent modulation of alpha and beta during action observation and motor imagery
PM Di Nota, JM Chartrand, GR Levkov, R Montefusco-Siegmund, ...
BMC neuroscience 18, 1-14, 2017
Proactive psychological programs designed to mitigate posttraumatic stress injuries among at-risk workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis
PM Di Nota, A Bahji, D Groll, RN Carleton, GS Anderson
Systematic reviews 10 (1), 126, 2021
Coping among public safety personnel: A systematic review and meta–analysis
PM Di Nota, E Kasurak, A Bahji, D Groll, GS Anderson
Stress and Health 37 (4), 613-630, 2021
Diurnal cortisol variation according to high-risk occupational specialty within police: comparisons between frontline, tactical officers, and the general population
K Planche, JF Chan, PM Di Nota, B Beston, E Boychuk, PI Collins, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 61 (6), e260-e265, 2019
Stress and memory: A systematic state-of-the-art review with evidence-gathering recommendations for police
PM Di Nota, BE Stoliker, AD Vaughan, JP Andersen, GS Anderson
Policing: An International Journal 44 (1), 1-17, 2020
Eye exercises enhance accuracy and letter recognition, but not reaction time, in a modified rapid serial visual presentation task
P Di Noto, S Uta, JFX DeSouza
PloS one 8 (3), e59244, 2013
Racial bias and lethal force errors among Canadian police officers.
JP Andersen, PM Di Nota, EC Boychuk, U Schimmack, PI Collins
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2023
Lateral occipitotemporal cortex (LOTC) activity is greatest while viewing dance compared to visualization and movement: learning and expertise effects
PM Di Nota, G Levkov, R Bar, JFX DeSouza
Experimental brain research 234, 2007-2023, 2016
Universal Police Behaviours during Critical Incidents and Their Connection to Personality: A Preliminary Study
JM Huhta, PM Di Nota, M Nyman, E Pietilä, E Ropo
Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing 8 (01), 1-18, 2021
Critical review of visual models for police use of force decision-making
PM Di Nota, P Stoyko, J Jenkinson, EC Boychuk, JP Andersen
Vision 5 (1), 6, 2021
Testing the efficacy of a 1-day police decision-making and autonomic modulation intervention: A quasi-random pragmatic controlled trial
PM Di Nota, J Arpaia, EC Boychuk, PI Collins, JP Andersen
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 719046, 2021
Considering objective and subjective measures for police use of force evaluation
PM Di Nota, JF Chan, JM Huhta, JP Andersen
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (10), 5351, 2021
Evidence-based instruction of police use of force: Practical methods and pedagogical principles
PM Di Nota, JP Andersen, JM Huhta, H Gustafsberg
Interventions, training, and technologies for improved police well-being and …, 2021
The science behind de-escalation and use of force decision-making: Policy recommendations for police training
JP Andersen, PM Di Nota, S Poplawski, M Pitel, J Zurowski, P Azmi
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services: Toronto, ON, Canada, 2017
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Articles 1–20