Bruno Blais
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The deal. II library, version 9.2
D Arndt, W Bangerth, B Blais, TC Clevenger, M Fehling, AV Grayver, ...
Journal of Numerical Mathematics 28 (3), 131-146, 2020
Review and implementation of CFD-DEM applied to chemical process systems
S Golshan, R Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R Zarghami, N Mostoufi, B Blais, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 221, 115646, 2020
Development of an unresolved CFD–DEM model for the flow of viscous suspensions and its application to solid–liquid mixing
B Blais, M Lassaigne, C Goniva, L Fradette, F Bertrand
Journal of Computational Physics 318, 201-221, 2016
The deal. II library, version 9.3
D Arndt, W Bangerth, B Blais, M Fehling, R Gassmöller, T Heister, L Heltai, ...
Journal of Numerical Mathematics 29 (3), 171-186, 2021
Citation analysis of scientific categories
GS Patience, CA Patience, B Blais, F Bertrand
Heliyon 3 (5), 2017
CFD-DEM investigation of viscous solid–liquid mixing: Impact of particle properties and mixer characteristics
B Blais, F Bertrand
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 118, 270-285, 2017
CFD-DEM simulations of early turbulent solid–liquid mixing: Prediction of suspension curve and just-suspended speed
B Blais, O Bertrand, L Fradette, F Bertrand
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 123, 388-406, 2017
Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Residence time distribution—RTD
A Bérard, B Blais, GS Patience
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 98 (4), 848-867, 2020
Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Discrete element method—DEM
B Blais, D Vidal, F Bertrand, GS Patience, J Chaouki
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 97 (7), 1964-1973, 2019
A semi-implicit immersed boundary method and its application to viscous mixing
B Blais, M Lassaigne, C Goniva, L Fradette, F Bertrand
Computers & Chemical Engineering 85, 136-146, 2016
Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Unresolved CFD‐DEM
A Bérard, GS Patience, B Blais
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 98 (2), 424-440, 2020
Experimental investigation of the mixing of viscous liquids and non-dilute concentrations of particles in a stirred tank
M Lassaigne, B Blais, L Fradette, F Bertrand
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 108, 55-68, 2016
Rheological and morphological properties of reactively compatibilized thermoplastic olefin (TPO) blends
A Maani, B Blais, MC Heuzey, PJ Carreau
Journal of Rheology 56 (3), 625-647, 2012
Perspectives on the process intensification of CO2 capture and utilization
E Pahija, S Golshan, B Blais, DC Boffito
Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 176, 108958, 2022
On the use of the method of manufactured solutions for the verification of CFD codes for the volume-averaged Navier–Stokes equations
B Blais, F Bertrand
Computers & Fluids 114, 121-129, 2015
Powder development and qualification for high-performance cold spray copper coatings on steel substrates
D Poirier, JG Legoux, P Vo, B Blais, JD Giallonardo, PG Keech
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 28, 444-459, 2019
CFD-DEM simulations of solid-liquid flow in stirred tanks using a non-inertial frame of reference
B Delacroix, J Rastoueix, L Fradette, F Bertrand, B Blais
Chemical Engineering Science 230, 116137, 2021
Lethe: An open-source parallel high-order adaptative CFD solver for incompressible flows
B Blais, L Barbeau, V Bibeau, S Gauvin, T El Geitani, S Golshan, ...
SoftwareX 12, 100579, 2020
Experimental and DEM studies of velocity profiles and residence time distribution of non-spherical particles in silos
S Golshan, B Esgandari, R Zarghami, B Blais, K Saleh
Powder Technology 373, 510-521, 2020
Lethe-DEM: An open-source parallel discrete element solver with load balancing
S Golshan, P Munch, R Gassmoller, M Kronbichler, B Blais
Computational Particle Mechanics, 2022
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