Babak Fakhar
Babak Fakhar
Department of Computer Science, Mahshahr branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran
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Cited by
Event detection in soccer videos using unsupervised learning of spatio-temporal features based on pooled spatial pyramid model
B Fakhar, H Rashidy Kanan, A Behrad
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (12), 16995-17025, 2019
A novel document clustering algorithm based on ant colony optimization algorithm
K Azaryuon, B Fakhar
Journal of mathematics and computer Science 7, 171-180, 2013
Learning an event-oriented and discriminative dictionary based on an adaptive label-consistent K-SVD method for event detection in soccer videos
B Fakhar, HR Kanan, A Behrad
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 55, 489-503, 2018
A novel method for extracting classification rules based on Ant-Miner
B Fakhar
J. Math. Comput. Sci 8, 377-386, 2014
A novel method for document clustering using ant-fuzzy algorithm
J Rajaie, B Fakhar
The journal of mathematics and computer science 4 (2), 182-196, 2012
Classification Rule Discovery with Ant Colony Optimization
K Azaryuon, B Fakhar, A Daghaieghi
J. Math. Comput. Sci 9 (4), 352-361, 2014
A New Clustering Method Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
MR Kangavari, B Fakhar
The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
J Rajaie, B Fakhar
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Articles 1–8