Mike Holmes
Mike Holmes
Associate Professor, Brock University
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Continuous assessment of work activities and posture in long-term care nurses
JN Hodder, MWR Holmes, PJ Keir
Ergonomics 53 (9), 1097-1107, 2010
Home-based Nintendo Wii training to improve upper-limb function in children ages 7 to 12 with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy
C Kassee, C Hunt, MWR Holmes, M Lloyd
Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine 10 (2), 145-154, 2017
Task rotation effects on upper extremity and back muscle activity
PJ Keir, K Sanei, MWR Holmes
Applied Ergonomics 42 (6), 814-819, 2011
Neck muscle fatigue alters upper limb proprioception
M Zabihhosseinian, MWR Holmes, B Murphy
Experimental brain research 233, 1663-1675, 2015
The effects of police duty belt and seat design changes on lumbar spine posture, driver contact pressure and discomfort
MWR Holmes, CD McKinnon, CR Dickerson, JP Callaghan
Ergonomics 56 (1), 126-136, 2013
Continuous assessment of low back loads in long-term care nurses
MWR Holmes, JN Hodder, PJ Keir
Ergonomics 53 (9), 1108-1116, 2010
The influence of simultaneous handgrip and wrist force on forearm muscle activity
DA Forman, GN Forman, J Robathan, MWR Holmes
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 45, 53-60, 2019
Neuromechanical control of the forearm muscles during gripping with sudden flexion and extension wrist perturbations
MWR Holmes, J Tat, PJ Keir
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 18 (16), 1826-1834, 2015
Neck muscle fatigue alters the cervical flexion relaxation ratio in sub-clinical neck pain patients
M Zabihhosseinian, MWR Holmes, B Ferguson, B Murphy
Clinical Biomechanics 30 (5), 397-404, 2015
Subclinical recurrent neck pain and its treatment impacts motor training-induced plasticity of the cerebellum and motor cortex
JK Baarbé, P Yielder, H Haavik, MWR Holmes, BA Murphy
PloS one 13 (2), e0193413, 2018
Effects of moving environments on the physical demands of heavy materials handling operators
JD Matthews, SN MacKinnon, WJ Albert, M Holmes, A Patterson
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 37 (1), 43-50, 2007
Manifestations of muscle fatigue in baseball pitchers: a systematic review
R Birfer, MWL Sonne, MWR Holmes
PeerJ 7, e7390, 2019
Effects of A band loop on lower extremity muscle activity and kinematics during the barbell squat
RCA Foley, BD Bulbrook, DC Button, MWR Holmes
The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 12 (4), 550, 2017
Neck muscle fatigue differentially alters scapular and humeral kinematics during humeral elevation in subclinical neck pain participants versus healthy controls
M Zabihhosseinian, MWR Holmes, S Howarth, B Ferguson, B Murphy
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 33, 73-82, 2017
Influence of Subclinical Neck Pain on the Ability to Perform a Mental Rotation Task: A 4-Week Longitudinal Study With a Healthy Control Group Comparison
BAM Julianne K Baarbé, Michael WR Holmes, Heather E Murphy, Heidi Haavik
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 39 (1), 23-30, 2016
Muscle fatigue assessment during robot-mediated movements
M Mugnosso, F Marini, M Holmes, P Morasso, J Zenzeri
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 15, 1-14, 2018
Posture coaching and feedback during patient handling in a student nurse population
R Doss, J Robathan, D Abdel-Malek, MWR Holmes
IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors 6 (3-4), 116-127, 2018
Changes in corticospinal and spinal excitability to the biceps brachii with a neutral vs. pronated handgrip position differ between arm cycling and tonic elbow flexion
DA Forman, M Richards, GN Forman, MWR Holmes, KE Power
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 543, 2016
Noise and muscle contraction affecting vigilance task performance
DC Button, DG Behm, M Holmes, SN Mackinnon
Occupational ergonomics 4 (3), 157-171, 2005
Lumbar postures, seat interface pressures and discomfort responses to a novel thoracic support for police officers during prolonged simulated driving exposures
KM Gruevski, MWR Holmes, CE Gooyers, CR Dickerson, JP Callaghan
Applied Ergonomics 52, 160-168, 2016
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Articles 1–20