Muhammad Shoaib Almas
Muhammad Shoaib Almas
System Design & Simulation Engineer | Hitachi ABB Power Grids | HVDC
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Cited by
Vulnerability of synchrophasor-based WAMPAC applications’ to time synchronization spoofing
MS Almas, L Vanfretti, RS Singh, GM Jonsdottir
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (5), 4601-4612, 2017
Over-current relay model implementation for real time simulation & Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) validation
MS Almas, R Leelaruji, L Vanfretti
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
RT-HIL implementation of the hybrid synchrophasor and GOOSE-based passive islanding schemes
MS Almas, L Vanfretti
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (3), 1299-1309, 2015
A software development toolkit for real-time synchrophasor applications
L Vanfretti, VH Aarstrand, MS Almas, VS Perić, JO Gjerde
2013 IEEE Grenoble Conference, 1-6, 2013
A matlab-based PMU simulator
D Dotta, JH Chow, L Vanfretti, MS Almas, MN Agostini
2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2013
SmarTS Lab—A laboratory for developing applications for WAMPAC Systems
L Vanfretti, M Chenine, MS Almas, R Leelaruji, L Ängquist, L Nordström
2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2012
Open source SCADA implementation and PMU integration for power system monitoring and control applications
MS Almas, L Vanfretti, S Løvlund, JO Gjerde
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 1-5, 2014
Synchrophasor network, laboratory and software applications developed in the STRONg2rid project
MS Almas, M Baudette, L Vanfretti, S Løvlund, JO Gjerde
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 1-5, 2014
Impact of time-synchronization signal loss on PMU-based WAMPAC applications
MS Almas, L Vanfretti
2016 IEEE power and energy society general meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
Testing and validation of a fast real-time oscillation detection PMU-based application for wind-farm monitoring
L Vanfretti, M Baudette, I Al-Khatib, MS Almas, JO Gjerde
2013 First International Black Sea Conference on Communications and …, 2013
A phasor measurement unit based fast real-time oscillation detection application for monitoring wind-farm-to-grid sub–synchronous dynamics
L Vanfretti, M Baudette, JL Domínguez-García, MS Almas, A White, ...
Electric Power Components and Systems 44 (2), 123-134, 2016
PMU-based real-time damping control system software and hardware architecture synthesis and evaluation
E Rebello, L Vanfretti, MS Almas
2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2015
Experiences with steady-state PMU compliance testing using standard relay testing equipment
MS Almas, J Kilter, L Vanfretti
2014 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference (PQ), 103-110, 2014
Analysis of communication network challenges for synchrophasor-based wide-area applications
CFM Danielson, L Vanfretti, MS Almas, Y Choompoobutrgool, JO Gjerde
2013 IREP Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-IX Optimization …, 2013
Experimental testing of a real-time implementation of a PMU-based wide-area damping control system
E Rebello, L Vanfretti, MS Almas
IEEE Access 8, 25800-25810, 2020
A hybrid synchrophasor and GOOSE-based power system synchronization scheme
MS Almas, L Vanfretti
IEEE Access 4, 4659-4668, 2016
A PMU-based fast real-time sub-synchronous oscillation detection application
L Vanfretti, M Baudette, JL Domínguez-Garcíaz, A White, MS Almas, ...
2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical …, 2015
Methodologies for power protection relay testing: From conventional to real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation approaches
MS Almas, L Vanfretti
IPST 2013, 2013
Voltage stability monitoring using sensitivities computed from synchronized phasor measurement data
R Leelaruji, L Vanfretti, MS Almas
2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2012
A WACS exploiting generator Excitation Boosters for power system transient stability enhancement
L Díez-Maroto, L Vanfretti, MS Almas, GM Jónsdóttir, L Rouco
Electric Power Systems Research 148, 245-253, 2017
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Articles 1–20