Amanda S. Kahn
Amanda S. Kahn
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
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Benthic grazing and carbon sequestration by deep‐water glass sponge reefs
AS Kahn, G Yahel, JWF Chu, V Tunnicliffe, SP Leys
Limnology and Oceanography 60 (1), 78-88, 2015
Phagocytosis of microbial symbionts balances the carbon and nitrogen budget for the deep‐water boreal sponge Geodia barretti
SP Leys, AS Kahn, JKH Fang, T Kutti, RJ Bannister
Limnology and Oceanography 63 (1), 187-202, 2018
Using X-ray Microscopy and Hg L3 XANES To Study Hg Binding in the Rhizosphere of Spartina Cordgrass
C Patty, B Barnett, B Mooney, A Kahn, S Levy, Y Liu, P Pianetta, ...
Environmental science & technology 43 (19), 7397-7402, 2009
Oxygen and the energetic requirements of the first multicellular animals
SP Leys, AS Kahn
Integrative and comparative biology 58 (4), 666-676, 2018
Trophic ecology of glass sponge reefs in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia
AS Kahn, JWF Chu, SP Leys
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 756, 2018
Effect of suspended sediments on the pumping rates of three species of glass sponge in situ
N Grant, E Matveev, AS Kahn, SK Archer, A Dunham, RJ Bannister, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 615, 79-100, 2019
Suspended sediment causes feeding current arrests in situ in the glass sponge Aphrocallistes vastus
N Grant, E Matveev, AS Kahn, SP Leys
Marine environmental research 137, 111-120, 2018
Sponge Behavior and the Chemical Basis of Responses: A Post-Genomic View
SP Leys, JL Mah, PR McGill, L Hamonic, FC De Leo, AS Kahn
Integrative and comparative biology 59 (4), 751-764, 2019
Pyrosome consumption by benthic organisms during blooms in the northeast Pacific and Gulf of Mexico
SK Archer, AS Kahn, SP Leys, T Norgard, F Girard, C Du Preez, ...
Ecology 99 (4), 981-984, 2018
Temporal changes in deep-sea sponge populations are correlated to changes in surface climate and food supply
AS Kahn, HA Ruhl, KL Smith Jr
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 70, 36-41, 2012
Dynamic change, recruitment and resilience in reef-forming glass sponges
AS Kahn, LJ Vehring, RR Brown, SP Leys
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 96 (2 …, 2016
The role of cell replacement in benthic–pelagic coupling by suspension feeders
AS Kahn, SP Leys
Royal Society open science 3 (11), 160484, 2016
Behaviors of sessile benthic animals in the abyssal northeast Pacific Ocean
AS Kahn, CW Pennelly, PR McGill, SP Leys
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 173, 104729, 2020
Foundation Species Abundance Influences Food Web Topology on Glass Sponge Reefs
SK Archer, AS Kahn, M Thiess, L Law, SP Leys, SC Johannessen, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 799, 2020
Haliclystus californiensis, a" new" species of stauromedusa (Cnidaria: Staurozoa) from the northeast Pacific, with a key to the species of Haliclystus
AS Kahn, GI Matsumoto, YM Hirano, AG Collins
Zootaxa, 2010
Bathydorus laniger and Docosaccus maculatus (Lyssacinosida; Hexactinellida): Two new species of glass sponge from the abyssal eastern North Pacific Ocean.
AS Kahn, JB Geller, HM Reiswig, KL Smith
Zootaxa 3646, 386-400, 2013
Settlement of juvenile glass sponges and other invertebrate cryptofauna on the Hecate Strait glass sponge reefs
KC Guillas, AS Kahn, N Grant, SK Archer, A Dunham, SP Leys
Invertebrate Biology 138 (4), e12266, 2019
Spicule and flagellated chamber formation in a growth zone of Aphrocallistes vastus (Porifera, Hexactinellida)
AS Kahn, SP Leys
Invertebrate Biology 136 (1), 22-30, 2017
Abyssal hydrothermal springs—Cryptic incubators for brooding octopus
JP Barry, SY Litvin, A DeVogelaere, DW Caress, CF Lovera, AS Kahn, ...
Science Advances 9 (34), eadg3247, 2023
Description and distribution of Desmacella hyalina sp. nov. (Porifera, Desmacellidae), a new cryptic demosponge in glass sponge reefs from the western coast of …
LK Law, HM Reiswig, BS Ott, N McDaniel, AS Kahn, KC Guillas, C Dinn, ...
Marine Biodiversity 50 (4), 55, 2020
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Articles 1–20