Janeen Loehr
Cited by
Cited by
Monitoring individual and joint action outcomes in duet music performance
JD Loehr, D Kourtis, C Vesper, N Sebanz, G Knoblich
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 25 (7), 1049-1061, 2013
Temporal coordination between performing musicians
JD Loehr, C Palmer
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (11), 2153-2167, 2011
Temporal coordination and adaptation to rate change in music performance.
JD Loehr, EW Large, C Palmer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (4 …, 2011
14 musical ensemble performance: representing self, other and joint action outcomes
PE Keller, G Novembre, J Loehr
Shared representations: Sensorimotor foundations of social life, 280, 2016
Mutual coordination strengthens the sense of joint agency in cooperative joint action
NK Bolt, EM Poncelet, BG Schultz, JD Loehr
Consciousness and cognition 46, 173-187, 2016
Movement-related feedback and temporal accuracy in clarinet performance
C Palmer, E Koopmans, JD Loehr, C Carter
Music Perception 26 (5), 439-449, 2009
Cognitive and biomechanical influences in pianists’ finger tapping
JD Loehr, C Palmer
Experimental brain research 178, 518-528, 2007
The predictability of a partner’s actions modulates the sense of joint agency
NK Bolt, JD Loehr
Cognition 161, 60-65, 2017
The sound of you and me: novices represent shared goals in joint action
JD Loehr, C Vesper
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3), 535-547, 2016
Modularity and intersection of “what”,“where” and “how” processing of visual stimuli: a new method of FMRI localization
R Borowsky, J Loehr, C Kelland Friesen, G Kraushaar, A Kingstone, ...
Brain Topography 18 (2), 67-75, 2005
The sense of agency in joint action: An integrative review
JD Loehr
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29 (4), 1089-1117, 2022
Subdividing the beat: Auditory and motor contributions to synchronization
JD Loehr, C Palmer
Music Perception 26 (5), 415-425, 2009
Sequential and biomechanical factors constrain timing and motion in tapping
JD Loehr, C Palmer
Journal of Motor Behavior 41 (2), 128-136, 2009
Synchronization of motion and timing in clarinet performance
C Palmer, E Koopmans, C Carter, JD Loehr, M Wanderley
International symposium on performance science, 1-6, 2009
Sensory attenuation for jointly produced action effects
JD Loehr
Frontiers in psychology 4, 172, 2013
The motor-related brain activity that supports joint action: A review
NK Bolt, JD Loehr
Acta Psychologica 212, 103218, 2021
It's not just my fault: Neural correlates of feedback processing in solo and joint action
JD Loehr, D Kourtis, IA Brazil
Biological Psychology 111, 1-7, 2015
Item method directed forgetting diminishes false memory
TA Marche, CJ Brainerd, DG Lane, JD Loehr
Memory 13 (7), 749-758, 2005
Shared credit for shared success: Successful joint performance strengthens the sense of joint agency
JD Loehr
Consciousness and Cognition 66, 79-90, 2018
Movement, planning, and music: Motion coordinates of skilled performance
C Palmer, C Carter, E Koopmans, JD Loehr
Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Communication Science …, 2007
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Articles 1–20