Pablo D. Enrique
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Cited by
An investigation into the effect of process parameters on melt pool geometry, cell spacing, and grain refinement during laser powder bed fusion
A Keshavarzkermani, E Marzbanrad, R Esmaeilizadeh, Y Mahmoodkhani, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 116, 83-91, 2019
Controlling mechanical properties of additively manufactured hastelloy X by altering solidification pattern during laser powder-bed fusion
A Keshavarzkermani, R Esmaeilizadeh, U Ali, PD Enrique, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 762, 138081, 2019
Surface modification of binder-jet additive manufactured Inconel 625 via electrospark deposition
PD Enrique, E Marzbanrad, Y Mahmoodkhani, Z Jiao, E Toyserkani, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 362, 141-149, 2019
Static recrystallization impact on grain structure and mechanical properties of heat-treated Hastelloy X produced via laser powder-bed fusion
A Keshavarzkermani, R Esmaeilizadeh, PD Enrique, H Asgari, NY Zhou, ...
Materials Characterization 173, 110969, 2021
Enhancing fatigue life of additive manufactured parts with electrospark deposition post-processing
PD Enrique, A Keshavarzkermani, R Esmaeilizadeh, S Peterkin, H Jahed, ...
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101526, 2020
In situ formation of metal matrix composites using binder jet additive manufacturing (3D printing)
PD Enrique, Y Mahmoodkhani, E Marzbanrad, E Toyserkani, NY Zhou
Materials Letters 232, 179-182, 2018
The influence of in-situ alloying of electro-spark deposited coatings on the multiscale morphological and mechanical properties of laser welded Al–Si coated 22MnB5
MS Khan, P Enrique, A Ghatei-Kalashami, JG Lopes, N Schell, JP Oliveira, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 839, 142830, 2022
Design of binder jet additive manufactured co-continuous ceramic-reinforced metal matrix composites
PD Enrique, E Marzbanrad, Y Mahmoodkhani, A Keshavarzkermani, ...
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 49, 81-90, 2020
Dendritic Coarsening Model for Rapid Solidification of Ni-superalloy via Electrospark Deposition
PD Enrique, Z Jiao, NY Zhou, E Toyserkani
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018
Effect of microstructure on tensile properties of electrospark deposition repaired Ni-superalloy
PD Enrique, Z Jiao, NY Zhou, E Toyserkani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 729, 268-275, 2018
Laser-assisted wire cladding using a retrofitted laser welding system
MS Khan, P Enrique, G Song, M Faria, Y Zhou
Surface Engineering 37 (5), 634-641, 2021
Effect of direct aging on heat-affected zone and tensile properties of electrospark-deposited alloy 718
PD Enrique, Z Jiao, NY Zhou
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 285-294, 2019
Parametric Study of Automated Electrospark Deposition for Ni-Based Superalloys
PD Enrique, S Peterkin, NY Zhou
Welding Journal 100, 239-248, 2021
Dynamic response and failure mechanisms of a laser-fabricated flexible thin film strain gauge
N Mao, PD Enrique, AIH Chen, NY Zhou, P Peng
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 342, 113655, 2022
Electrospark deposition interlayers for dissimilar resistance welding of steel to aluminum
PD Enrique, C Li, C DiGiovanni, S Peterkin, NY Zhou
Manufacturing Letters 24, 123-126, 2020
Improving the corrosion resistance of Inconel 52M laser-cladded steel
MS Khan, JC Lourenço, MIST Faria, P Enrique, G Song, YN Zhou
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 106, 506-519, 2023
Evaluation of electrode degradation and projection weld strength in the joining of steel nuts to galvanized advanced high strength steel
PD Enrique, H Al Momani, C DiGiovanni, Z Jiao, KR Chan, NY Zhou
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 141 (10), 104501, 2019
Resistance is not futile: the use of projections for resistance joining of metal additively and conventionally manufactured parts
PD Enrique, C DiGiovanni, N Mao, R Liang, S Peterkin, NY Zhou
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 66, 424-434, 2021
Effect of Microsegregation on High‐Temperature Microstructure Evolution in Rapid Solidification Processed Nb‐Rich Ni Superalloys
PD Enrique, A Keshavarzkermani, NY Zhou
Advanced Engineering Materials 23 (5), 2001396, 2021
Surface functionalization of binder jetted steels through super-solidus liquid phase sintering and electro-spark deposition
M Yang, J Yan, P Peng, PD Enrique, MK Keshavarz, M Vlasea
Surface and Coatings Technology, 130994, 2024
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Articles 1–20