Mohan Babu
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Cited by
Quantifying E. coli proteome and transcriptome with single-molecule sensitivity in single cells
Y Taniguchi, PJ Choi, GW Li, H Chen, M Babu, J Hearn, A Emili, XS Xie
science 329 (5991), 533-538, 2010
A census of human soluble protein complexes
PC Havugimana, GT Hart, T Nepusz, H Yang, AL Turinsky, Z Li, PI Wang, ...
Cell 150 (5), 1068-1081, 2012
Panorama of ancient metazoan macromolecular complexes
Nature, 2015
Global functional atlas of Escherichia coli encompassing previously uncharacterized proteins
P Hu, SC Janga, M Babu, JJ Díaz-Mejía, G Butland, W Yang, O Pogoutse, ...
PLoS biology 7 (4), e1000096, 2009
ER exit sites are physical and functional core autophagosome biogenesis components
M Graef, JR Friedman, C Graham, M Babu, J Nunnari
Molecular biology of the cell 24 (18), 2918-2931, 2013
A dual function of the CRISPR–Cas system in bacterial antivirus immunity and DNA repair
M Babu, N Beloglazova, R Flick, C Graham, T Skarina, B Nocek, ...
Molecular microbiology 79 (2), 484-502, 2011
eSGA: E. coli synthetic genetic array analysis
G Butland, M Babu, JJ Díaz-Mejía, F Bohdana, S Phanse, B Gold, W Yang, ...
Nature methods 5 (9), 789-795, 2008
Interaction landscape of membrane-protein complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
M Babu, J Vlasblom, S Pu, X Guo, C Graham, BDM Bean, HE Burston, ...
Nature 489 (7417), 585-589, 2012
The binary protein-protein interaction landscape of Escherichia coli
SV Rajagopala, P Sikorski, A Kumar, R Mosca, J Vlasblom, R Arnold, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (3), 285-290, 2014
A global analysis of the receptor tyrosine kinase-protein phosphatase interactome
Z Yao, K Darowski, N St-Denis, V Wong, F Offensperger, A Villedieu, ...
Molecular cell 65 (2), 347-360, 2017
Global landscape of cell envelope protein complexes in Escherichia coli
M Babu, C Bundalovic-Torma, C Calmettes, S Phanse, Q Zhang, Y Jiang, ...
Nature biotechnology, 2017
Genetic Interaction Maps in Escherichia coli Reveal Functional Crosstalk among Cell Envelope Biogenesis Pathways
M Babu, JJ Díaz-Mejía, J Vlasblom, A Gagarinova, S Phanse, C Graham, ...
PLoS genetics 7 (11), e1002377, 2011
Quantitative Genome-Wide Genetic Interaction Screens Reveal Global Epistatic Relationships of Protein Complexes in Escherichia coli
M Babu, R Arnold, C Bundalovic-Torma, A Gagarinova, KS Wong, ...
PLoS genetics 10 (2), e1004120, 2014
The Arabidopsis BRAHMA chromatin-remodeling ATPase is involved in repression of seed maturation genes in leaves
X Tang, A Hou, M Babu, V Nguyen, L Hurtado, Q Lu, JC Reyes, A Wang, ...
Plant physiology 147 (3), 1143-1157, 2008
A negative genetic interaction map in isogenic cancer cell lines reveals cancer cell vulnerabilities
FJ Vizeacoumar, R Arnold, FS Vizeacoumar, M Chandrashekhar, ...
Molecular systems biology 9 (1), 696, 2013
Altered gene expression changes in Arabidopsis leaf tissues and protoplasts in response to Plum pox virus infection
M Babu, JS Griffiths, TS Huang, A Wang
BMC genomics 9, 1-21, 2008
Structure of a SLC26 anion transporter STAS domain in complex with acyl carrier protein: implications for E. coli YchM in fatty acid metabolism
M Babu, JF Greenblatt, A Emili, NCJ Strynadka, RAF Reithmeier, ...
Structure 18 (11), 1450-1462, 2010
Functional diversity of haloacid dehalogenase superfamily phosphatases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: biochemical, structural, and evolutionary insights
E Kuznetsova, B Nocek, G Brown, KS Makarova, R Flick, YI Wolf, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (30), 18678-18698, 2015
Mapping the functional yeast ABC transporter interactome
J Snider, A Hanif, ME Lee, K Jin, AR Yu, C Graham, M Chuk, ...
Nature chemical biology 9 (9), 565-572, 2013
Acyldepsipeptide analogs dysregulate human mitochondrial ClpP protease activity and cause apoptotic cell death
KS Wong, MF Mabanglo, TV Seraphim, A Mollica, YQ Mao, K Rizzolo, ...
Cell chemical biology 25 (8), 1017-1030. e9, 2018
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Articles 1–20