Minjoon Lee
Minjoon Lee
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Older Americans would work longer if jobs were flexible
J Ameriks, J Briggs, A Caplin, M Lee, MD Shapiro, C Tonetti
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 12 (1), 174-209, 2020
Heterogeneity in expectations, risk tolerance, and household stock shares: The attenuation puzzle
J Ameriks, G Kézdi, M Lee, MD Shapiro
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 38 (3), 633-646, 2020
The Wealth of Wealthholders
J Ameriks, A Caplin, M Lee, MD Shapiro, C Tonetti
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2015
Nursing home aversion post-pandemic: Implications for savings and long-term care policy
B Achou, P De Donder, F Glenzer, M Lee, ML Leroux
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 201, 1-21, 2022
The Welfare and Distributional Effects of Fiscal Volatility: A Quantitative Evaluation
R Bachmann, JH Bai, M Lee, F Zhang
Review of Economic Dynamics 38, 127-153, 2020
How worker productivity and wages grow with tenure and experience: The firm perspective
A Caplin, M Lee, S Leth-Petersen, J Sćverud, MD Shapiro
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Nursing homes in equilibrium: Implications for long-term care policies
T Koreshkova, M Lee
Available at SSRN 3885803, 2020
Forced retirement risk and portfolio choice
G Chen, M Lee, T Nam
Journal of Empirical Finance 58, 293-315, 2020
Cognitive Decline, Limited Awareness, Imperfect Agency, and Financial Well-Being
J Ameriks, A Caplin, M Lee, MD Shapiro, C Tonetti
American Economic Review: Insights 5 (1), 125-140, 2023
At home versus in a nursing home: Long-term care settings and marginal utility
B Achou, P De Donder, F Glenzer, M Lee, ML Leroux
CESifo Working Paper, 2023
Portfolio Allocation over Life-Cycle with Multiple Late-in-Life Saving Motives
M Lee
Carleton University, 2018
Shocks and Transitions from Career Jobs to Bridge Jobs and Retirement: A New Approach
J Ameriks, J Briggs, A Caplin, M Lee, MD Shapiro, C Tonetti
Michigan Retirement Research Center Research Paper, 18-39, 2018
Transferring Control of Finances: Timing Poses a Risk
J Ameriks, A Caplin, M Lee, MD Shapiro, C Tonetti
Center for Retirement Research Issues in Brief, 2023
Will Older Individuals Avoid Nursing Homes After the Pandemic?
B Achou, P De Donder, F Glenzer, M Lee, ML Leroux
Center for Retirement Research Issues in Brief, 2022
The Welfare and Distributional Consequences of Corporate Tax Cuts in Open Economies
M Kader, H Khan, M Lee, R Razo-Garcia
Carleton Economic Papers, 2022
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Articles 1–15