Kylie Lingard
Kylie Lingard
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Cited by
Strategies to support the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the commercial development of gourmet bush food products
K Lingard, P Martin
International Journal of Cultural Property 23 (1), 33-70, 2016
Effective citizen action on invasive species: the institutional challenge
P Martin, D Low Choy, E Le Gal, KA Lingard
The potential of current legal structures to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interests in the Australian bush food industry
K Lingard
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 23 (2), 174-185, 2016
An assessment of the regulatory framework of the Western Australian sandalwood industry
K Lingard, M Perry
Australian Forestry 81 (2), 89-101, 2018
Legal support for the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the commercial development of new native plant varieties: Current status and future options
KA Lingard
Are we there yet? A review of proposed Aboriginal cultural heritage laws in New South Wales, Australia
K Lingard, NP Stoianoff, E Wright, S Wright
International Journal of Cultural Property 28 (1), 107-135, 2021
The impact of the law on consultation practices and purpose: A case study of Aboriginal cultural heritage consultations in NSW
K Lingard
International Journal of Regional, Rural and Remote Law and Policy, [20]-[44], 2012
Legal and institutional strategies to support the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in bush food commercialisation
K Lingard
Discussion paper: Effective citizen action on invasive species
P Martin, DL Choy, E LeGal
Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, ACT, viewed, 2019
Stakeholder views on pest management in Australia
P Martin, KA Lingard
An inclusive governance framework for bush food commercialisation
KA Lingard
Submission on the NSW Draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2018
L Perry, KA Lingard
Crueldade contra os animais x direitos culturais de lazer e de entretenimento
MD Leuzinger, KA Lingard, S Teles Da Silva
Innovation cartography and patentomics: Past, present and future
K Lingard, M Perry
Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century: Reflecting …, 2016
Discussion paper: Effective citizen action on invasive species: The institutional challenge
P Martin, DL Choy, EJO le Gal, K Lingard
Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, 2016
Innovation Cartography and Patentomics: Past, Present and Future
M Perry, K Lingard
Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century: Reflecting …, 2016
Strategies to Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Interests in Gourmet Bush Food Product Development
KA Lingard
Strategies to Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Interests in the Development of New Native Plant Varieties
KA Lingard
The Potential of Law to Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Interests in Bush Food Commercialisation
KA Lingard
Accessing Justice after Conviction: A Review of the Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001 (NSW) Part 7 Division 3
K Lingard
UNSWLJ 47, 880, 2024
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Articles 1–20