R Iestyn Woolway
Cited by
Cited by
Global lake responses to climate change
RI Woolway, BM Kraemer, JD Lenters, CM Merchant, C O'Reilly, ...
Nature Reviews: Earth and Environment, 2020
Worldwide alteration of lake mixing regimes in response to climate change
RI Woolway, CJ Merchant
Nature Geoscience 12 (4), 271-276, 2019
Widespread loss of lake ice around the Northern Hemisphere in a warming world
S Sharma, K Blagrave, JJ Magnuson, CM O’Reilly, S Oliver, RD Batt, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (3), 227-231, 2019
Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes
SF Jane, GJA Hansen, BM Kraemer, PR Leavitt, JL Mincer, RL North, ...
Nature 594 (7861), 66-70, 2021
Lake heatwaves under climate change
RI Woolway, EJ Jennings, T Shatwell, M Golub, D Pierson, SC Maberly
Nature 589, 402-407, 2021
Phenological shifts in lake stratification under climate change
RI Woolway, S Sharma, GA Weyhenmeyer, A Debolskiy, M Golub, ...
Nature Communications 12 (2318), 2021
State of the Climate in 2018
J Blunden, DS Arndt
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (9), Si-S306, 2019
Storm impacts on phytoplankton community dynamics in lakes
JD Stockwell, JP Doubek, R Adrian, O Anneville, CC Carey, L Carvalho, ...
Global change biology 26 (5), 2756-2784, 2020
Global lake thermal regions shift under climate change
SC Maberly, RA O’Donnell, RI Woolway, MEJ Cutler, M Gong, ID Jones, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1232, 2020
Warming of Central European lakes and their response to the 1980s climate regime shift
RI Woolway, MT Dokulil, W Marszelewski, M Schmid, D Bouffard, ...
Climatic Change 142, 505-520, 2017
LakeMetabolizer: An R package for estimating lake metabolism from free-water oxygen using diverse statistical models
LA Winslow, JA Zwart, RD Batt, H Dugan, RI Woolway, J Corman, ...
Inland Waters 6 (4), 622-636, 2016
A multi-lake comparative analysis of the General Lake Model (GLM): Stress-testing across a global observatory network
LC Bruce, MA Frassl, GB Arhonditsis, G Gal, DP Hamilton, PC Hanson, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 102, 274-291, 2018
Climate change drives widespread shifts in lake thermal habitat
BM Kraemer, RM Pilla, RI Woolway, O Anneville, S Ban, ...
Nature Climate Change 11 (6), 521-529, 2021
Satellite and in situ observations for advancing global Earth surface modelling: A review
G Balsamo, A Agusti-Parareda, C Albergel, G Arduini, A Beljaars, J Bidlot, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (12), 2038, 2018
Global climate
RJH Dunn, JB Miller, KM Willett, N Gobron, M Ades, R Adler, M Alexe, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 (9), S11-S145, 2023
Intralake heterogeneity of thermal responses to climate change: A study of large Northern Hemisphere lakes
RI Woolway, CJ Merchant
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018
The importance of lake‐specific characteristics for water quality across the continental United States
EK Read, VP Patil, SK Oliver, AL Hetherington, JA Brentrup, JA Zwart, ...
Ecological Applications 25 (4), 943-955, 2015
Attribution of global lake systems change to anthropogenic forcing
L Grant, I Vanderkelen, L Gudmundsson, Z Tan, M Perroud, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (11), 849-854, 2021
Amplified surface temperature response of cold, deep lakes to inter-annual air temperature variability
RI Woolway, CJ Merchant
Scientific Reports 7 (4130), 2017
Lakes in hot water: the impacts of a changing climate on aquatic ecosystems
RI Woolway, S Sharma, JP Smol
BioScience 72 (11), 1050-1061, 2022
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Articles 1–20