Timothy French
Timothy French
Teaching Fellow Cyber Bath University
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Cited by
The big picture, from grids and clouds to crowds: a data collective computational intelligence case proposal for managing disasters
N Bessis, E Asimakopoulou, T French, P Norrington, F Xhafa
2010 International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet …, 2010
Towards a corporate governance trust agent scoring model for collaborative virtual organisations
T French, N Bessis, F Xhafa, C Maple
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 2 (2), 98-108, 2011
A card-sorting probe of e-banking trust perceptions
T French, K Liu, M Springett
Proceedings of HCI 2007 The 21st British HCI Group Annual Conference …, 2007
Developing novel iTV applications: a user centric analysis
T French, M Springett
Anais do 1st European Interactive Television Conference. Brighton, 29-39, 2003
eFinance Localisation: an informal analysis of specific eCulture attractors in selected Indian and Taiwanese sites
T French, S Minocha, A Smith
Designing for Global Markets, Proceedings of IWIPS 4, 9-21, 2002
Semiotically enhanced web interfaces for shared meanings: Can semiotics help us meet the challenge of cross-cultural HCI design
T French, A Smith
IWIPS 2000, 23-38, 2000
A lightweight model of trust propagation in a multi-client network environment: To what extent does experience matter?
M Conrad, T French, W Huang, C Maple
First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security …, 2006
Semiotics for e-commerce: shared meanings and generative futures
T French, S Polovina, A Vile
Proceedings of BIT 99, 3-4, 1999
Exploring the synergies between the object oriented paradigm and mathematics: a Java led approach
M Conrad, T French
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 35 …, 2004
Towards a model for replicating aesthetic literary appreciation
T Crosbie, T French, M Conrad
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Semantic Web Information Management, 1-4, 2013
Bringing the home into the hospital: assisting the pre-discharge home visit process using 3D home visualization software
AG Money, A McIntyre, A Atwal, G Spiliotopoulou, T Elliman, T French
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services …, 2011
The dark Web: Cyber-security intelligence gathering opportunities, risks and rewards
G Epiphaniou, T French, C Maple
Journal of computing and information technology 22 (LISS 2013), 21-30, 2014
User experience and its relationship to usability The case of e-commerce web-site design
M Springett, T French
Towards a UX Manifesto 2, 43-48, 2007
Using grid for data sharing to support intelligence in decision making
N Bessis, T French, M Burakova-Lorgnier, W Huang
Managing strategic intelligence: Techniques and technologies, 179-201, 2007
Reprint of a process model for developing usable cross-cultural websites
A Smith, L Dunckley, T French, S Minocha, Y Chang
Interacting with Computers 24 (4), 174-187, 2012
A pragmatic and musically pleasing production system for sonic events
M Conrad, T French, M Gibson
Tenth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'06), 630-635, 2006
Towards an e-service semiotic trust framework
T French, M Springett, K Liu
Procs. 4th Int. ALOIS Conference, Boras Sweden, 175-196, 2006
Towards a Context-Aware and Adaptable Room System for Intelligent" Trusted" Office-Spaces in Smart Cities
T French, N Bessis
2012 Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet …, 2012
Object shadowing–a key concept for a modern programming language
M Conrad, T French, C Maple
Springer, 2004
Culture and website usability: strategies for internationalisation and localisation
A Smith, T French, S Minocha
Proceedings of the 1st European UPA conference on European usability …, 2002
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Articles 1–20