Karine Bilodeau
Karine Bilodeau
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Exploration of return-to-work interventions for breast cancerpatients: a scoping review
K Bilodeau, D Tremblay, MJ Durand
Supportive Care in Cancer, 1-15, 2017
Interprofessional patient-centred practice in oncology teams: utopia or reality?
K Bilodeau, S Dubois, J Pepin
Journal of interprofessional care 29 (2), 106-112, 2015
Improving the transition from oncology to primary care teams: a case for shared leadership
D Tremblay, J Latreille, K Bilodeau, A Samson, L Roy, MF L’Italien, ...
Journal of oncology practice 12 (11), 1012-1019, 2016
Development and use of research vignettes to collect qualitative data from healthcare professionals: A scoping review
D Tremblay, A Turcotte, N Touati, TG Poder, K Kilpatrick, K Bilodeau, ...
BMJ open 12 (1), e057095, 2022
Return to work after breast cancer treatments: Rebuilding everything despite feeling “in-between”
K Bilodeau, D Tremblay, MJ Durand
European Journal of Oncology Nursing 41, 165-172, 2019
Gaps and delays in survivorship care in the return-to-work pathway for survivors of breast cancer—a qualitative study
K Bilodeau, D Tremblay, MJ Durand
Current Oncology 26 (3), e 414- e 417, 2019
Contribution des sciences infirmières au développement des savoirs interprofessionnels
K Bilodeau, S Dubois, J Pepin
Recherches en soins infirmiers, 43-50, 2013
Routes of administration, reasons for use, and approved indications of medical cannabis in oncology: a scoping review
B Vinette, J Côté, A El-Akhras, H Mrad, G Chicoine, K Bilodeau
BMC cancer 22 (1), 319, 2022
The sexuality of Quebec women with cervical cancer: looking for love despite radiotherapy’s trauma to their sexual body
K Bilodeau, L Bouchard
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en …, 2011
Insights into the sustainable return to work of aging workers with a work disability: an interpretative description study
MJ Durand, MF Coutu, D Tremblay, C Sylvain, MM Gouin, K Bilodeau, ...
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 31, 92-106, 2021
Optimizing clinical and organizational practice in cancer survivor transitions between specialized oncology and primary care teams: a realist evaluation of multiple case studies
D Tremblay, C Prady, K Bilodeau, N Touati, MC Chouinard, M Fortin, ...
BMC health services research 17, 1-12, 2017
Risk-stratified pathways for cancer survivorship care: insights from a deliberative multi-stakeholder consultation
D Tremblay, N Touati, K Bilodeau, C Prady, S Usher, Y Leblanc
Current Oncology 28 (5), 3408-3419, 2021
Exploration of the contexts surrounding the implementation of an intervention supporting return-to-work after breast cancer in a primary care setting: starting point for an …
K Bilodeau, D Tremblay, MJ Durand
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 75-83, 2018
Collaborative governance in the Quebec Cancer Network: a realist evaluation of emerging mechanisms of institutionalization, multi-level governance, and value creation using a …
D Tremblay, N Touati, T Poder, HM Vasiliadis, K Bilodeau, D Berbiche, ...
BMC Health Services Research 19, 1-14, 2019
Early career researchers’ perspectives and roles in patient-oriented research
G Rouleau, JC Bélisle-Pipon, S Birko, P Karazivan, N Fernandez, ...
Research Involvement and Engagement 4 (1), 1-15, 2018
Using web-based training to optimize pediatric palliative care knowledge transfer
MC Nadeau, K Bilodeau, L Daoust
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal 30 (1), 31, 2020
Progression of self-management learning experiences of young adults following an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A qualitative study
B Vinette, K Bilodeau
European Journal of Oncology Nursing 52, 101951, 2021
Synthesis of self-management strategies used by young adults who have undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A narrative review
B Vinette, H Mrad, A El-Akhras, K Bilodeau
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal 31 (4), 470, 2021
The care continuum with interprofessional oncology teams: Perspectives of patients and family
K Bilodeau, S Dubois, J Pepin
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en …, 2015
How oncology teams can be patient‐centred? opportunities for theoretical improvement through an empirical examination
K Bilodeau, D Tremblay
Health Expectations 22 (2), 235-244, 2019
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