M. R. Jafari  Nasr
M. R. Jafari Nasr
research Institute of petroleum industry
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Experimental study on heat transfer and pressure drop of nanofluid flow in a horizontal coiled wire inserted tube under constant heat flux
M Saeedinia, MA Akhavan-Behabadi, M Nasr
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 36, 158-168, 2012
Assessment of turbulence modeling for gas flow in two-dimensional convergent–divergent rocket nozzle
A Balabel, AM Hegab, M Nasr, SM El-Behery
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (7), 3408-3422, 2011
Modeling of crude oil fouling in preheat exchangers of refinery distillation units
MRJ Nasr, MM Givi
Applied thermal engineering 26 (14-15), 1572-1577, 2006
Fluid flow analysis and extension of rapid design algorithm for helical baffle heat exchangers
MRJ Nasr, A Shafeghat
Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (11-12), 1324-1332, 2008
New opportunities in mass and energy consumption of the Multi-Stage Flash Distillation type of brackish water desalination process
I Khoshrou, MRJ Nasr, K Bakhtari
Solar Energy 153, 115-125, 2017
Experimental study of forced circulation evaporator in zero discharge desalination process
F Farahbod, D Mowla, MRJ Nasr, M Soltanieh
Desalination 285, 352-358, 2012
Modeling of heat transfer enhancement by wire coil inserts using artificial neural network analysis
MRJ Nasr, AH Khalaj, SH Mozaffari
Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2-3), 143-151, 2010
Experimental investigation of flow boiling heat transfer of R-600a/oil/CuO in a plain horizontal tube
MA Akhavan-Behabadi, M Nasr, S Baqeri
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 58, 105-111, 2014
Computational and experimental study on the water-jet pump performance
AAA Sheha, M Nasr, MA Hosien, E Wahba
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 11 (4), 1013-1020, 2018
Epidemiological study of mental disorders in Kashan city
H Palahang, M Nasr, MT Baraheni
Andisheh Raftar J 8, 19-27, 1996
Experimental study of a solar desalination pond as second stage in proposed zero discharge desalination process
F Farahbod, D Mowla, MRJ Nasr, M Soltanieh
Solar Energy 97, 138-146, 2013
Performance evaluation of flattened tube in boiling heat transfer enhancement and its effect on pressure drop
M Nasr, MA Akhavan-Behabadi, SE Marashi
International communications in heat and mass transfer 37 (4), 430-436, 2010
Performance of a bend–diffuser system: Experimental and numerical studies
WA El-Askary, M Nasr
Computers & fluids 38 (1), 160-170, 2009
Experimental and numerical study of syngas production during premixed and ultra-rich partial oxidation of methane in a porous reactor
H Nourbakhsh, JR Shahrouzi, H Ebrahimi, A Zamaniyan, MRJ Nasr
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (60), 31757-31771, 2019
Application of a novel magnetic nanoparticle as demulsifier for dewatering in crude oil emulsion
F Farrokhi, MR Jafari Nasr, MR Rahimpour, M Arjmand, SA Vaziri
Separation Science and Technology 53 (3), 551-558, 2018
Hydrodynamic performance of the ASI impeller in an aerated bioreactor containing the biopolymer solution through tomography and CFD
F Khalili, MRJ Nasr, A Kazemzadeh, F Ein-Mozaffari
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 125, 190-203, 2017
Preparation of 4A zeolite coated polypropylene membrane for lithium‐ion batteries separator
E Shekarian, MR Jafari Nasr, T Mohammadi, O Bakhtiari, M Javanbakht
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (32), 47841, 2019
Investigation of solar desalination pond performance experimentally and mathematically
F Farahbod, D Mowla, MR Jafari Nasr, M Soltanieh
Journal of energy resources technology 134 (4), 041201, 2012
Experimental, simulation and thermodynamic modeling of an acid gas removal pilot plant for CO2 capturing by mono-ethanol amine solution
HR Kalatjari, A Haghtalab, MRJ Nasr, A Heydarinasab
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 72, 103001, 2019
Effect of lubricating oil on flow boiling characteristics of R-600a/oil inside a horizontal smooth tube
MR Momenifar, MA Akhavan-Behabadi, M Nasr, P Hanafizadeh
Applied Thermal Engineering 91, 62-72, 2015
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Articles 1–20